
Wednesday, 29 January 2025

The Times They Are A-Changin' ...

 ...over here at my new home in lovely Salzkammergut. 

As you may have all noticed, my online presence has signifantly decreased during the last two to three years, which has been happening mostly due to health issues but also for some really good reasons - the most important one: having nature's beauty at my very doorstep. 

I am sure you have all learned that we live our lives via "episodes", meaning there always is a certain time for writing, crafting, reading, being outdoors, being sporty, focusing on yourself, focusing on sharing, on others, on community, on awareness,....our needs change and again and yet again a door gets closed only to find there's a new one that opens. 

I 've taken up choral singing again for example. That was something I had been dearly missing for ages! And after several years of negated depression and struggling with health issues  - caused by menopause colliding with Hashimoto's (which obviously is the perfect combination to cause depression, panic attacks, high blood pressure and other nasty stuff) - I am finally on what seems to be a way out of it! 

Also the treatment for my chronic migraine works really well, so instead of spending three days in a darkened bedroom every eight days (!) I only experience managable headaches two times a month. No need to tell you that this feels like I have been given back my life again! 

Finally I am able to go out and make new experiences - like learning how to build a dry stone wall for example (my favourite highlight last year - besides the wonderful balloon ride). 

Still reading or focusing on detailed work is a bit of a struggle...but it's coming back again (though very slowly). Gardening, hiking, paddling, singing,'s what I do these days and what makes me feel good. I am sure crafting/being creative will stay part of my life, but in a different form than sharing tutorials or the usual design team work. Been there, done (and loved) that. 

I found that focusing on my own creative journey (if there is meant to be one for me to go on) collides (and always has been colliding) with design team needs. I still do the StencilGirl columns twice a year and love that though (as I am given plenty of creative freedom there)!

I also still feel that blogging is something that is good for me and that I like. But I haven't yet found my new path or focus for that. So there will be new content here from time to time, but one of a more personal kind. 

If you are on the lookout for creative inspiration and tutorials, there is still the content of the last twelve years to check out (and also links to other sources of inspiration). Even if some of the products are no longer available, there exist alternatives to use. The techniques mainly stay the same and are timeless. 

I still owe you some final "invites" to project posts for PaperArtsy and StencilGirl though...

That should be all so far that needed updating. As I can no longer meet PaperArtsy's highly up to date design team demands, our ways parted by the end of last year. That hasn't changed my love for their products and designs though of course ;) 

Hugs and (as always) happy crafting!
