
Monday 18 June 2012

Aus den Tiefen des Ozeans / From deep down the ocean

So. Lange hab ich drumherum scharwenzelt... jetzt wars an der Zeit, mal selbst eine ATC (= Artist Trading Card) zu probieren. Das Format von 6 mal 9 cm ist sogar für meine Verhältnisse reichlich klein (und das will was heißen!)

Aber nach einer kurzen Weile war ich total vertieft. Und plötzlich war das kleine Stückchen Karton ein ganzer Ozean ;)


Well - after some hemming and hawing I decided it was finally time to do an ATC on my own. The small format is really tiny - even for me! ;)

But after I had started I dived in - and that's the result:


  1. Love this especially the background & the 3D elements.

  2. Thank you so much, Paula Jane!

    The 3D elements were inspired by toy (paper) theater stage designs. My son especially loves this ATC, because he loves everything about deep sea creatures and adventure and knows everything about it ;)

    Greetings from Vienna,

    die amelie


Thank you so much for your visit and especially for taking the time to leave me a short comment! This is highly appreciated! xxx