
Friday 3 August 2012

A last quick try before leaving for my holls

It has been some weeks now that altered book pages keep coming across my mind quite often.... but I never dared to give it a try.

But today - as we are leaving for three weeks tomorrow morning - I felt that I just HAD TO try, otherwise this would torment me for the next three weeks (being without my working desk and equipment), not knowing if I would have succeeded at altering a book or not...

I stumbled upon this old book yesterday in an antiques shop and it costed just two Euros. It has a greyish rough linen hardcover and has gothic print as it dates from 1913.

Here is the outcome of my first try:

(I am sorry that the photograph is of rather modest quality, but I had packed my camera already and my husband "saved" me by using the camera of his mobile phone)

I will display some close-ups when I have returned from my holidays in september! Hope to see you then!!! Wishes! die amelie xx


  1. Is this your first page???? It is gorgeous, I love, love, love it. You pick great colours and images!
    Have a nice vacations.

  2. Oh, thank you so much, Ana!

    You are the first to comment on this one and your laud really means a lot to me! I am so glad you like it! Thank you for the lovely holiday wishes. :D

    Hugs, die amelie xx

  3. Zwei wunderschöne Seiten, gefallen mir super gut. Die Altered Book Nummer haben wir vor Jahren auch mal als Robin-Round gemacht, da sind tolle Werke entstanden.
    Ich bin schon gespannt, wie deinen nächsten Seiten aussehen werden.

    1. Lach, Silvia,

      was ist eine "Robin-Round"-Nummer? (klingt interessant ;)
      Ich bin als Frischling mit viel Respekt in dieses Buch eingetaucht, habe aber festgestellt, dass das Material seine ganz eigene Dynamik entfaltet. Ich hoffe, ich werde beim nächsten Versuch viel Zeit haben, mich auf diese Dynamik einzulassen. Danke für deine lieben Zeilen und das schöne Lob!

      LG aus dem Urlaub,

      die amelie xx

  4. Just sensational! The colours and images are just brilliant, how some "live inside" the page, and others spring out at you. I'll have to be very patient for the close up images (and maybe some tips on how to do it?!), but in the meantime I hope you have a wonderful holiday!
    Alison x

    1. I promise, Alison,

      I will do some close-up images in better light than the actual picture and try to explain how I did the pages when I am back! But - to be honest - I do not think you would need any explanation when I think of your lovely tags and projects ;)

      Holiday hugs,

      die amelie xx

  5. Gorgeous pages, & love the colours & the images you have used.
    Have a fabulous holiday!

    1. Thank you very much, Paula Jane!!! :D

      Hugs, die amelie xx

  6. Amazing! I love the colors and the depth you achieved. I can't wait to see you work your way through the book. Have fun with your husband during your holiday. Blessings!

    1. Thank you for your lovely visit and the wishes, Arnoldo!!!

      Best wishes,

      die amelie xx


Thank you so much for your visit and especially for taking the time to leave me a short comment! This is highly appreciated! xxx