
Wednesday 1 August 2012

Journaling ATC "treasured moments"

Noch rasch zwischen den Reisevorbereitungen ein wenig Zeit für eine ATC im Art Journaling Stil.

Inspiriert hat mich das "Time"-Challengethema auf dem "Vienna Impressions Inspirations" - Challenge-blog , wo ich das kleine Projekt noch einreichen werde.


Found a little time between holiday preparations to create this ATC in art-journaling style.


  1. Ah ha! Clearly ATCs made while one is packing are the best kind, because I think this is completely beautiful - love the gesso? white acrylic? on the blues and greens, and that glass dome stamp is gorgeous! Do I recognise that clock?! - great minds think alike they say. And yes, I would love to arrange a swap with you - but I might have to wait until life has settled down a bit again, and you need to go and enjoy your holiday first!
    Alison xx

  2. I would so so love to swap with you, Alison!

    And the really good things are worth waiting for as long as they take. So I wait - and will use this time for gathering new impressions during my holiday in the midst of mountains, lakes and treasures of the woods for new, better, more ATCs to swap with ingenious ATC artists, who use leftovers to turn them into gold.

    Yes, I used Gesso because it is easier to stamp on as acrylic. I just had to have this glass dome stamp and I am not surprised you recognise the clock ;)

    Wishing you a pleasant soon settled life back home!


    die amelie x x

  3. Ein traumhaft schönes ATC ist das geworden, Claudia.

    Ich wünsche Dir ein schönes Wochenende

    1. Herzlichen Dank, Rosie,

      für den Besuch und das feine Lob!
      Dir auch ein genüssliches Wochenende!!!


  4. Hi
    Gorgeous colour and beautiful depth to your background.

    1. Thank you so much, Lynne!!!!


      die amelie xx


Thank you so much for your visit and especially for taking the time to leave me a short comment! This is highly appreciated! xxx