
Monday 8 October 2012

My own "Rickety House"

I already know this year, what I will get for Christmas - it's a Sizzix (hoooray!!) and some dies with it as well of course! One of them is the gorgeous "Rickety House" from Tim Holtz... still is a long way untill X-mas and I am not always very well at being patient. So I made myself a rickety house stencil from cardboard after a sketch on my own. Well - the cutting took quite a while (so I will be sooo happy, when I get my presents on Chrismas eve!!!! Yessss!) and I had to do it twice. The first time I cut the sketched house's shape directly through the thin drawing paper into the thicker white cardboard, which became my stencil. And then I outlined the stencil with a white marker on the paper I had chosen for my rickety house and cut that out as well.

At that point I wasn't quite sure what project I would use it for, but I felt that I just HAD to do a rickety house today, diving deeper into a "Halloweenish" mood each day.

I ended up with a large three-dimensional tag. I mostly end up with tags *lol

But first have a look at the papers I used for this one  - and you can see the stencil of my rickety house (it could be "the old house from Rocky Docky" too, I guess - one of my favourite songs when I was a small girl and which I used to sing very often with my Grandma - which maybe is the reason, why I love rickety houses very much ;).

I wanted to have some "inhabitants" for my R.H. (short for ....well you know ;) - maybe Dr. Death, Edgar Allan Poe or the wicked witch from the northnorthwest. That depended on the openings of the windows and which stamping images suited these best.

As it happens most of the time when I am crafting, things settled into their places on their own, the project being in advance. Some embossing here, some chalk-ink-blendig there. A little bling on the raven's eye and the border at the bottom. The perfect ribbon and maybe an embellishment - so I had a lovely time playing around today and this is the outcome:

The shape of the house was attached to the tag using sticky foam pads, the door was fixed onto the house the same way.

Some close-ups should show the finer details (click pictures to enlarge):

Materials of interest used: Distress inks "spiced marmalade", "pumice stone", "black soot", "peeled paint", embossing ink, Ranger fine clear embossing powder, black "Sternenstaub" embossing powder, stamps from RedLead, Tim Holtz, My Mind's Eye and Inkadinkado, white gel pen, stickles "X-mas red".

I am entering Catered Crop's "Halloweens Recipe" challenge and Everybody-Art Challenge blog's challenge "Lesezeichen/Tag" with this project.


  1. Wow, ein tolles Gruselhaus, und auch die Blätter vom vorherigen Post gefallen mir sehr! Ich komme in letzter Zeit öfter auf deinen Blog, weil ich deine Werke klasse finde. Schade nur, dass ich die Texte nicht verstehen kann....

    Liebe Grüße -

    1. Danke für das schöne Lob, Heidi! :)

      Die Texte zusätzlich in Deutsch zu schreiben - dazu fehlt mir einfach die Zeit. Sie erklären meist, wie die Arbeiten entstanden sind. Die Bilder aber sprechen ohnehin meist für sich....
      Solltest du dennoch Fragen dazu haben, bitte, jederzeit mich persönlich fragen. Ich schreibe dir das dann gerne extra in ein paar Zeilen per e-mail, wenn du möchtest.

      die amelie x

  2. Das ist ein echtes Kunstwerkchen! Tolles Haus und so liebevoll und fantasievoll dekoriert, das gefällt mir sehr gut.
    LG Anja

    1. Lieben Dank, Anja!

      KunstwerkCHEN trifft es für mein Gefühl genau - es hat so etwas Knuffiges, find ich ;)


  3. I love your fun rickety house! That tag at the top really caught my eye...I have a weakness for little tag stamps.

    1. So glad, you like the little tag on top, Sarah,
      because I love 'em too!!! ;)

      die amelie x

  4. Das finde ich absolut genial!!!! Eine richtig tolle Idee und eine nocht tollere Umsetzung :-)!!!! Klasse!!!!


    1. Sooo lieb von dir, Turwen!


      Claudia x

  5. Sooo cooool! (Sorry my ooos may have got stuck!!) I love your unique rickety house, and the imagination with which you've filled it up! Can't believe how much I missed just by losing a couple of days... catching up with your work is sheer pleasure though... wonderful!
    Alison x

    1. Guess, I was in the "flow" for the last few days, Alison ;)
      Already missed you in blogland, but I knew that you were busy with your work...

      So glad that you are back - and even more glad, that you like my rickety house that much!

      Claudia xxx


Thank you so much for your visit and especially for taking the time to leave me a short comment! This is highly appreciated! xxx