
Friday 12 October 2012

Wonderful events Part I

There are two wonderful events today I would like to have you participate in!

This is No. 1 - a "pre-X-mas Candy-Lottery" from wonderful SanDee, whose great ATCs you can admire here.

Look at all the wonderful things she sent me!!!

On the left you can see three of her gorgeous ATCs, which I had the great luck to swap with her too!
I am sure, you will see many of the things shown in the picture worked into some projects during the next weeks!! ;)

Thank you so much, SanDee!!!!! This really was like "Pre-X-mas"  to me.


I also had the luck to get some lovely ATCs from Jeannette some weeks ago (which I forgot to share with you here. Sorry for that!). Love the colours, she used, so much!!!! 

The ATCs made on corrugated card backgrounds were an additional gift, which I am sooo happy about, because I had admired them in the forum FwATCs so much!!!! Thank you, Jeannette!!! I am so happy, I can call these my own!


  1. Ganz tolle Post hast du erhalten, ich kann deine Freude sehr gut verstehen....

    GGLG Andrea

    1. Hab auch schon einiges zu verarbeiten begonnen... bei den schönen Sachen hats natürlich gewaltig in den Fingern gejuckt! ;)

      Claudia xxx

  2. Very "happy mail"... what a wonderful day of sharing!
    Alison x


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