
Wednesday 13 February 2013

Another WOYWW is here!

(No. 193!)
Which means that another week has flewn by. I missed last weeks WOYWW over at Julia Dunnit's as we spent a lovely skiing holiday but today I can at least submit an image of my workdesk as it looks at that very minute - and will be looking for at least the next four to five hours (because I have to leave after having written that post to get my son registered for grammar school (Gosh! How time flies!))....whoooeee! We will be celebrating that by having some yummy Sushi for lunch afterwards.

So here comes my desk:

There are still the things on the table I used for yesterday's bird wall hanging - wire and grippers, Distress ink pads, heat embossing tool, paint dabbers,.... well, the usual stuff mainly. And ....uh oh...I just see it now: a big No-Go: the brush head down in the water glass.... have to go get it out immediately. Just a sec...

...back again. I have been telling my pupils since ages not to do that as it bends the brushes tips which makes them useless for good painting. (Hope, none of them will see that *gg). Seems I am slacking off...

Hope I will find the time to visit your desks later today.

die amelie x


  1. Your desk looks like you are ready to create some art! Confession time - I left a brush overnight in a pot of water too......not good. Happy WOYWW, Anne x #37

  2. What a huge desk!! Lots of room to play.... Very occasionally I forget to take my brush out of the water overnight, eeeeek!! I hate that! Have a good day. Helen, 2

  3. Looks creative and fun! Big confession, my "crafting" brushes (as opposed to my "arty" brushes) the ones I use for medium, gesso and stuff like that, live up side down in a jar of water pretty much permanently(ouch)They are pretty cheap ones, and to be honest, it doesn't seem to harm them terribly.
    Enjoy those Sushis!!!

  4. You have a perfect craft shaped gap on your desk there. Greetings from the bears who have forgotten to link their WOYWW post this week. Off to do that right now.......

  5. Have a wonderful creative week
    Happy WOYWW Heather # 62

  6. Ah the brush thing..always explained by them not having a memory so they don't know to bounce back after being mis treated! Funny what you see in a photo that you would otherwise miss.

  7. well done on rescuing that brush you would have been really upset had that not been noticed. Your desk shows a good day crafting
    Happy WOYWW I hope you have a great day
    Ria #47

  8. Wow you seem to have lots going on and love the Distress inks and stains! Enjoy your week, take care Zo xx 93

  9. Oops... I didn't even know you weren't supposed to do that with brushes!! But, like Astrid, all mine are so cheap I don't suppose it makes much difference...

    Fabulous looking desk again - I've got behind on visiting (no time to share my desk even this week), but I'm on my way to have a look at the bird hanging straight away - those wires tell me it's going to be a die amelie special!!
    Alison xx

  10. your desk looks like mine when i'm working - covered, except for a little clear space front and centre!!
    and can i say - i adore your bloghead - just gorgeous :)
    a happy WOYWW to you and i hope you have a wonderful week!
    no. 7

  11. Yip, that brush is not going to be a happy camper! Was it a 6"x 6" project you have finished? cos that is all the space you have vacant! I land up working in the tiniest spot on my desk too! Feeling right at home.

  12. LOL, my eye went straight to that brush and I shook my head too, so glad you have pulled it out, poor thing! lol Have fun celebrating with the Sushi! Thank you so much for taking the time to stop by and say hi, it's always appreciated! waving hi from the hills of North Carolina ♥

  13. Love to see the desk of a worker. You look like you were very busy. I' m here in the car wash. They forcast a week of sunshine so I felt guilty.

  14. I'm glad you had a good holiday, I'd love to try skiing!!
    Had to laugh at your brush in water, I always end up telling myself off for doing the same.
    Happy WOYWW
    Hugs Lisax #66

  15. Busy desk, but fab creations.
    Happy WOYWW
    Alison #76

  16. Very busy and creative desk there...students should realize that teachers sometimes have to be reminded as their minds are traveling so fast thinking up new projects. Have a great week and thanks for sharing. Vickie #17

  17. Really...didn't know that about brushes. Good thing I buy cheap ones. :) Hmm interesting wire on the desk. I'm off is search of the bird project. Happy WOYWW! Nan 5

  18. YOur desk just bursts with inspiration but I did indeed noticed the brush too - luckely you cought it yourself :)
    Love from Holland, Marit #89

  19. Your desk looks busy! busy creating!

    Glad you got the brush rescued...the students would have a giggle!
    Love the look of that folding trunk over on the far right...looks like it can store a lot of arty stuff!

  20. Think I may have nuked my last comment so will do it again...
    your desk looks creatively busy...that is a good thing:)

    The folding suitcase/trunk on the far right looks like it can hold lots of arty stuff!

  21. your secret is safe with me, I won't tell anyone about the brush LOL! Happy WOYWW! Lindsay #109

  22. Isn't it amazing how your work space shrinks and shrinks? Your desk looks very busy and like you've been having fun. Now I must go look at your bird project. Have a great week.
    sara j #52

  23. Belated WOYWW greetings - thanks for stopping by my blog too. Lots of lovely things on your desk, loved the bird wall hanging too. happy Crafting.. Gill x #64

  24. What great stuff on your desk. Hope you had fun skiing. April #119

  25. Sorry I am soo late commenting - this week was gone before I could blink! I had a stroll around your blog and love all you have done!!! You are so brave with trying all these techniques - I wish I had more courage!
    Lots of hugs,
    The quote on your card Liebe wonderful! Thank you for sharing!


Thank you so much for your visit and especially for taking the time to leave me a short comment! This is highly appreciated! xxx