
Friday 22 February 2013

"Ever Seen Real Fireflies?"

Well, I have. This is what they look like:

I played around with drawing gum and water colours today and thus created the background for this tag.
So I had that enchanted forest... but no idea who should inhabit it... fairies? Too obvious!

I still had some steampunk stamps lying on the table (I am not too speedy when it comes to cleaning up after a crafting session ;)...and then the idea just hit me: fireflies (or glowworms as we call them) were the perfect fauna for this environment!

So here they are! Take a close look - they are very, very shy!

Hope you like them!

die amelie xx


  1. die trotzden der Schwerkraft --LOL!

    so witzig... und den Hintergrund hast Du quasi mit Rubbelkrepp gemalt? total kreativ das Tag!

    Ich räum auch nicht gern auf nach einer Session..und weisst Du was ..meistens mach ich aus dem was liegen bleibt viel schönere Sachen als das Hauptprojekt war...LOL!

    lg schönes Wochenende

  2. Wow - wie cool ist das denn??? Echt total klasse idee und die Umsetzung kann sich wieder sehen lassen!!!
    LG Dagmar

  3. Coole Idee! Sehr süß, die scheuen kleinen Dinger...;o)
    Der Hintergrund ist ganz toll geworden!

  4. Seeeeehr kreativ. Nun weiß auch ich, wie Glühwürmchen aussehen.(:o)

  5. Wow Claudia! This one amazing tag! Love the idea of the fireflies with the lightbulbs. Such a beautiful background! Hugs, Sandra

  6. Delightful, whimsical tag - I love your forest background and your fireflies are so (shh, don't tell anyone) CUTE!!
    Alison xx

  7. Very creative goodlooking tag! Had to smile :-)

    have a nice weekend, Alie :-)

  8. I have seen them, in Brasil, when I was a child! We used to catch them and put them in a bottle (with a hole in the lid) and had some light this way when we went to bed. We had no electricity back then! It was fun, and your tag is gorgeous!

  9. Das ist ja ein witziges Tag, gefällt mir sehr.

    Schöenes Wochenende

  10. Fabulous Claudia. Really made me smile! Hugs, Jenny x

  11. No, I can see you wouldn't go for JOFY (I was quite surprised how much I fell for them) - though I think there's probably more to be got from them (am experimenting), but not the texty Sara Neumann ones either? I didn't do a good job with them, but I think they're pretty cool!
    Alison xx

  12. Du warst ja irre kreativ in den letzten Tagen - tolle Werke hast du gestaltet. Dieses hier gefällt mir besonders gut :)


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