
Saturday 16 March 2013

Tattered Floral Challenge - Tim Holtz

Not much time left to enter the "Tattered Floral Challenge" over at Tim's blog, but finally my "Tattered Florals" die arrived with the mail last Thursday and today I found some spare time to try it out. Wow, what fun!

I really love that die - and that means a lot as I am quite picky when it comes to crafted flowers.

I recently bought a card picture frame for 95 Cent and it was the perfect object to alter using the "Tattered Florals".

Here's what I used for the project:

Some Ranger alcohol inks, blending tool, glue, two Sizzix  Alterations embossing folders, some adhesive metal foil, card and burlap,

also Grunge paper, Tim's idea-ology fasteners and of course my Sizzix Big Shot!

I first die cut some flowers from plain grunge paper and gave them a patina surface using the pebeo patina set.
 I also applied metal foil to another piece of grunge paper and die cut some more flowers, which I afterwards ran through the Big Shot using the embossing folder. These flowers were treated with alcohol inks.

Then I cut four strips of metal foil for blending the picture frame and gave them the same treatment (embossing and alcohol inking).
They were glued to the card frame afterwards. I also cut some gears and the tiny flourish (using the Sizzix Alterations Movers and Shapers dies), whichwere given various treatments (heat embossing, blending with Distress ink, patina).

I chose the "three ladies picture" from my ancestors photographs collection to go with the frame and after playing around a little all the elements had found their spot and were fixed to the frame. Done!

 Here are some more close-ups to show the flowers and some of the surfaces:


Thanks for your visit and I hope you enjoyed it a little! :)

die amelie xxx


  1. das ist ja sensationell ! das sieht aus als sei es natürlich gerostet etc! spitze!

  2. Staggeringly amazing and so very your style. Claudia this is a masterclass in metal and a joy to see. Hugs, Jenny x

  3. oh my gosh Claudia - the is so awesome! it's such a beautiful frame and looks like a vintage piece rather than an altered piece - stunning! I'm going to have find some burlap, I already use cheesecloth and/or net, but I love that texture. As always very inspiring - thank you not only for sharing but also for sharing how you made it! have a lovely weekend Karen x

  4. I love your Tattered Flower frame Claudia!! Best wishes for the contest....if you win, you are sharing? lol just kidding! waving hi from the hills of North Carolina ♥

  5. Love your project!!! The flowers turned out great, love the texture and the colors.

  6. What a beautiful creation Claudia. I so love the frame and your tattered florals are fabulous. I so hope to join this challenge so will be busy tomorrow x

    Crafty hugs

    Annie x

  7. Great style, with amazing details...compliments!

    have a nice weekend, Alie :-)

  8. Fantastic, Claudia - grungy, rusty perfection - completely amazing make!
    Alison xx

  9. These are lovely flowers, I really like the rust effect!

  10. Fabulous alteration, love the rusty look.
    Avril xx

  11. Wow!!!! Ein echt klasse Bilderrahmen!!!! Wirklich super!!!!


  12. This is so cool, Claudia! Love the frame and the steampunky tattered flowers! Really stunning! Hugs, Sandra

  13. Meine Güte, was ist das schööööön! Ein absoluter Traum - kann ich nur sagen, liebe Claudia!

  14. Hallo liebe Claudia,endlich schaffe ich es bei dir vorbei zuschauen. Du warst ja so fleißig in letzter Zeit. Sehr schöne Dinge sind bei dir entstanden, ich bin begeistert……Ich schaffe es aber nicht alle deine wundervollen Werke der letzten Zeit zu kommentieren, darum spreche ich hier in diesem Post ein dickes Sammellob für alle deine entstandenen Werke aus.

    Und deine heutige Werk ist fantastisch, ich bin völlig hin und weg, das ist ja wieder ein absolutes Meisterwerk von dir, ganz lieben Dank auch für die alle deine Erklärungen....aber ich bekomme sowas nicht hin, ich glaube,mir gelingen nur niedliche Werke, darum bin auch immer von deinen Arbeiten so angetan und bewundere si....

    Ich wünsche dir einen schönen Tag und einen guten Start in die neue Woche, einen ganz lieben Gruß von Andrea


Thank you so much for your visit and especially for taking the time to leave me a short comment! This is highly appreciated! xxx