
Tuesday 9 April 2013

"Windows and Doors" at FunwithATCs

Let me welcome you to another challenge at FunwithATCs!
This time our theme is


(If you also want to know the challenge theme over at TioT, please, scroll down to the previous post).

Doors are a very mighty symbol... no surprise then that doors come with many sayings. One of my favourites says:

For each door that closes there is a new one that opens. 

I love the idea that we first have to close doors (or sometimes fate closes them for us) to be able to open new ones and step through  - without carrying too much of the old stuff with us. And I like the thought that we never have to be afraid of having nothing to step forward to... fate always will provide us with new goals and challenges worth being met. There's always the chance to evolve by opening unknown doors.

I had this awesome stamp from DarkroomDoor which I used on a background cut from a paper scrap left over from a selfmade background.

and I also stumbled upon my (seldom used but) gorgeous Lynne Perella stamp showing a door opening and a mysterious man standing in it...

On this ATC I did some metal leafing with IndigoBlu guilding flakes and I applied the glue (and some thin layers of white Gesso in other places) using a stencil, thus creating a couple of dotted layers.

I hope you like it and will hop over to our challenge blog to see what my DT mates have created for your inspiration! 

See you at the challenge!

die amelie x


  1. These are both dark and mysterious and I love them Claudia. Hugs, Jenny x

  2. oh ja ..ich mag beide Claudia...
    die sind himmlisch ..und ich bin begeistert von all den raffinierten Effekten wie die GoldFlocken... was es nicht alles so gibt???!!

    und ja ich werd sofort alle DT STücke checken--keine Frage!

    schönen Dienstag


    es kommt ein wenig das Gefühl auf als wolle es nun doch in ganz kleinen Schritten wärmer werden.....

    ich denke der Frühling kommt vielleicht doch noch?!

  3. Wow, the gilding and stencilling on that second one is so fabulous! Both are mysterious, haunting and full of the profound meaning that you also write about - a beautiful post altogether...
    Alison xx

  4. Great makes , full of mystery! Trace x

  5. Wieder zwei ganz, ganz tolle ATCs!!!! Finde vor allem das zweite faszinierend, die Farben, klasse!!!!


  6. These atc's look like real artwork Von...very special!

    kind regards, Alie :-)

  7. They are stunning and I love the symbolism behind them! Stunning backgrounds also!

  8. Stunning backgrounds and I love the door stamp, Claudia!

  9. These are two stunning ATC's! Love the richness of the backgrounds! So many colors, and so interesting! Beautiful! Hugs, Sandra

  10. beautiful as always. I really like the gold leafing on the 2nd atc, adds a great bit of texture x


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