
Wednesday 12 June 2013

I just realized that today is my bloggaversary too....

..when I read Alison's (butterfly's) post where she celebrates her first blogging year 
- and then I remembered that my first year of blogging should have been completed some time around today...first I thought I had missed it (due to two horrible weeks filled with  a lot of hectic and things not working and me being tired all the time...) but it IS today....!!!

Typical me - forgetting about my own bloggaversary and then finding out that it is today by reading about one of my most admired crafting friends in blogland having HER anniversary today. Here's a picture of her awesome candy she is giving away on this occasion:

Huge congrats, Alison! 
Your journey has been so fantastic! Keep going! ;)
(If you want to know more, dear readers, just click the image to get to Alison's blog post).

As I am still very busy (cleaning up a horrible mess after two weeks of "camping" in our flat without a kitchen and two days filled with working noise due to the new kitchen being set up), I hope I will find the time to organize an "after-anniversary-blog-candy-thingie". Well, let's see...

But today I definitely want to thank you all, my dear readers, crafting friends, design team mates, followers old and new, for constantly giving me so much confidence during this whole year by leaving all those wonderful comments with my blog. I really had no idea where my journey would lead me, when I started blogging one year ago...
I want you all to know that - even though I am a rather lazy and inordinate comments writer myself (I promise to do better in the future!) - I find so much inspiration with all of your blogs. You are amazing, so many talented people out there! But what amazes me most is the community that is so strong and caring... encouraging here, giving comfort there and being happy for each other whenever there's an opportunity to be ;). That's definitely something I have never before seen with an internet group of interest so far.

You are fantastic! Keep on doing all your awesome stuff, so I can come snoop visiting!!

die amelie x


  1. Happy Blogaversary Claudia, you too are inspirational in what you design and make and it's a pleasure to visit.
    Wishing you many more happy years of creative blogging.
    hugs {brenda} x0x

  2. I love that we almost share our Blogaversaries... Right back at you with the whole thing - huge congratulations on an amazing year! I find your work absolutely mind-blowingly inventive, creative, thought-provoking and beautiful. Here's to many more years of it... and shared adventures to come!
    Alison xx

  3. Happy blogaversary Claudia =) and I wish you many more years of wonderful crafting and blogging.

  4. Happy happy blogaversary Claudia! So glad to have seen all your creations over last year and look forward to all those to come. Nicola x

  5. Happy Blogaversary Claudia. Your blog is inspirational, I love to visit when I cam.
    Yvonne x

  6. A very happy bloggyversary to you too, We shall celebrate with chocolate eating for you. :)

  7. herzlichen Glückwunsch Claudia!
    Möge es weiterhin so Spaß machen für Dich und Deine Leser!

    ich komm immer gern und erfreue mich an Deinen genialen Sachen!
    Sei mir lieb gegrüßt!

    Ich hoffe DU bist o.k!

    lg Susi- ein dieAmelie Fan!

  8. ...well firstly happy anniversary Claudia, where does the time go? but an awesome year filled with inspiring projects for us all to see and admire...and secondly, there is nothing as awful as builders turnng your world upside down, just think of the end product...Mel:)x

  9. Happy blog anniversary Claudia! Hope you will inspire us much longer with future blogposts!

    kind regareds, Alie :-)

  10. Hi Claudia, Happy blog anniversary to you! Thank you so much for all your wonderful inspiration, you never cease to amaze and please us. Here's to many more years. Hugs, Anne x

  11. Alles Gute zum Bloggeburtstag :) Es gibt bei dir immer herrliche Inspirationen, toll, dass du den Weg ins Land der Blogger gefunden hast.

  12. I wish you a happy blog anniversary from just across the border in the Czech Republic - in other words všechno nejlepší k blog narozeninám:-)


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