
Monday 7 October 2013

Creative Chemistry 102 - Day 1 (1)

Hello and servus out there!

Just a quick post with which I want to share the very first attempts I made on the first day in class over at Tim Holtz' Creative Chemistry 102.

This is so much fun and I immediately had to try out my two favourites of the techniques Tim shows today - it's "Eroded Metallic" (to the right) and "Industrial".

I am sure many of you are taking this fab online class too and have a lot of fun like I do. See you there!

Hugs and happy crafting!

Claudia - aka die amelie x


  1. These look great! I'm taking the class too! Awesome tutorials so far! :)

  2. beides sieht schon mal fabelfabelfabelhaft aus Claudia!
    Viiiel Spaß!

  3. wow - wie klasse - besonders das zweite sieht total echt aus als wäre es in Blech geprägt.

  4. Hi Claudia, you are quick off the mark! I'm still watching the videos. Great samples. Liebe gruesse von Francesca

  5. Sooooo cool!!! I have only just managed to watch the first two and wow, you managed to do projects already, lucky you!!! Love the one on the right specially!! Fantastic colour choice!!!

  6. Your eroded metal turned out so great. I had to do it twice to get the right look.

  7. Wow bist du fix - ich habe es gerade mal geschafft die Videos anzugucken, mal schauen, ob ich mich gleich noch aufraffen kann.

  8. Eroded metal was the one that really appealed to me too. Need some free time to make the tags, see you in class tomorrow.

  9. Wow, these turned out great! I can hardly wait to get my metallic paint so I can finish that Eroded metal technique, yours is wonderful.

  10. They look fabulous! So fun!

  11. Super ergebnisse! Es sieht SUPER aus!

  12. Hmm... yes, I'm "taking" the class... but I'm going to have to play catch up, sadly! We're gradually moving stuff over, car-load by car-load, having got the keys on the 1st Oct... then the lorry moves the beds and other large furniture pieces on the 15th, then some rapid final clearing, and we hand over the keys to the new owners on the 18th ... so the end is in sight!
    Alison xx

  13. Love both the tags! Well done :)

  14. Nice!! Love the industrial and metal patina looks here. Finally got to play today with some of the CC102 ideas.


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