
Friday 25 October 2013

Fog in the Vienna Woods

After almost four long weeks in bed and at home with hurt ribs and then the flu I finally made it out today and enjoyed a wonderful walk in the Vienna Woods.

I love the fog, so I took my camera with me and tried to capture some of the enchanted landscape.


  1. Hi Claudia sorry to hear you have been under the weather hope you feel better soon. These photos are quite spooky in fact perfect for the time of year especially that lone bird in the tree with a foggy surround. Hugs Mo x

  2. Very atmospheric pictures, perfect for Halloween projects. The bird pictures are great.

  3. Liebe Claudia, ich wusst nicht, dass Du krank warst. Ich wünsche Dir gute und schnelle Besserung. Deine Fotos sind ganz einfach umwerfend schön. So mag ich den Nebel auch. Wenn ich allerdings Auto fahren muss und es ist nebelig, dann ist das schon nicht mehr so angenehm.

    Ich wünsche Dir gute Erholung und ein schönes Wochenende

  4. HAlloween is coming! wonderful pictures! BArbarayaya

  5. hallo claudia,
    ganz,ganz wundervolle aufnahmen hast du da gemacht! wunderschöne herbststimmung....
    alles liebe

  6. Your photos are fantastic. I love everyone!

  7. Ach Claudia, in den Kommentaren lese ich gerade das Du krank bist/warst. Da will ich Dir natürlich ganz schnell gute Besserung wünschen.
    Die Bilder sind ja wohl umwerfend schön, das hast Du super eingefangen.

  8. What stunning photographs... I'm so glad you managed to make it out into that mysterious world, and I do hope you will continue on the path to recovery (hope you had a big scarf on!!). Thank you for sharing the pictures with us.
    Alison xx


Thank you so much for your visit and especially for taking the time to leave me a short comment! This is highly appreciated! xxx