
Wednesday 9 October 2013

It's official now! Let me introduce to you the DecoArt International Design Team featuring Andy Skinner!


I am sooo excited that I finally am allowed to share some awesome news with you!

 Some of you might already have guessed it (or at least have had the suspicion)  ... there have been a lot of detailed stepxstep tutorials on my blog lately - all of them featuring DecoArt products.... and maybe you have wondered "why would she do this?" Well, because "she" is part of the DecoArt International Design Team! Yay!

I am so honoured and enjoy the special privilege to work alongside some highly talented artists like Elly from Mixed Media and more, Mark from Spesh Ink, Mel, the Yorkshire fox, AngelicaS, Julia SW from Julia's stuff and last but not least Andy Skinner, who put this team together!

The DecoArt International DT site offers a lot of awesome and out of the box thought out projects tutorials to inspire you to create your own and explore all the possibilities of DecoArt colours, media and supplies. I really recommend you visit the site and hover over all those awesome images to get to the tutorials.

Have fun browsing the site!

Happy crafting!

Claudia x


  1. Ganz herzlichen Glückwunsch, liebe Claudia. Viel Spaß bei den neuen Aufgaben

  2. Congratulations Claudia! Brilliant news and what a team. Jenny x

  3. das ist total spitze! Herzlichen Glückwunsch Claudia!
    da freu ich mich nicht nur für Dich... auch für uns hier als
    denn so kriegen wir weiterhin Deine tollen Workshops zu sehen! FREU!!!
    viel Spaß bei der neuen aufregende Aufgabe!

  4. Many, many congratulations Claudia, such fantastic news, you must be over the moon! Hugs, Anne x

  5. Congratulations! I look forward to seeing more of your amazing creations.

  6. Wow, Congrats Claudia!!!! A match made in heaven for sure! Can't wait to see what you will all create for them!!

  7. Congratulations Claudia, its sounds an amazing team to be part of.

  8. Congrats Claudia! I'm happy for you!!!! Thanks for your kinds comments on my blog!!! Barbarayaya

  9. Das sind ja tolle Neuigkeiten - herzlichen Glückwunsch und viel Spaß bei deiner neuen Aufgabe. Ich bin schon auf deine Werke gespannt. :)

  10. Congratulations with your spot on the team :)

  11. Totally fantastic, and totally deserved... Your work with these paints and products is absolutely stunning, and I couldn't be happier for you!!
    Alison xx

  12. Congrats, Claudia, with Andy hmmmm?!


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