
Friday 8 November 2013

Afterglow over Vienna

Not much creativity going on over here (obviously my muse is taking a break at the moment) I thought I'd share a view from my balcony from yesterday evening with you instead:

As we live on the "other side of the Danube" we have a lovely view on Vienna's can even spot the roof of the Stephansdom (the white small tip to the right of the big building to the left - it's even better visible on the first image as it is the only church roof there ;)

Hope to be back soon with some new creative vibes. In the meantime I wish you some happy crafting time in front of your own desks!

Claudia x


  1. Wow, Claudia, that is one fantastic view! I have been lucky enough to visit Vienna several times in my life and it certainly is one of my all time favourite cities, but of course I have never seen it from this angle, stunning!

    Have to see, I know exactly how you are feeling.... experiencing a bit of the same at the mo. Hang in there, Mr Mojo tends to come back in his own good time.... I find Pinterest quite helpful to get inspiration, but it doesn't always work....

  2. Wow, what a stunning view. You really do take some great pictures. Don't worry about Mr Mojo, he'll come running back very soon I'm sure.

  3. Boah Claudia, was für ein traumhaft schöner Blick und welch umwerfend schönes Foto.

  4. Hope your break will bring new inspiration Claudia....your pictures of your view is great!
    All the best, Alie

  5. Hi claudia, what a beautiful view, I don't know Vienna that well but I have been. I know Salzburg better. Mum still with us but still in hospital. No better but now not worse. Hope you get your muse back soon, mine has decided to leave me forthe moment but hey life goes on. Liebe gruesse von Francesca

  6. What a stunning sky... and, like Astrid, I'm fully in sympathy with the creative vibe problem at the moment. I hope Mr Mojo will come and play with me tomorrow!
    Alison xx

  7. Thank you for sharing this beautiful view of a city so beautiful! Sleep with knowing someday!


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