
Friday 3 January 2014

A new year - a new start!

Good morning and welcome back, my dear crafting friends and followers old and anew!

I recently lost track a little on my artful journey (due to some health issues), but the short break from returning to my desk almost daily also led to something good: I rearranged my studio!

Honestly this would have become necessary anyway sooner or later (as I received two big, big parcels from two very dear crafting friends - filled with a lot of awesome stuff - that needed a new I had to clean up and move some stuff that I don't use very often to the basement)... but during the work of sorting stuff I also happened to stumble upon the fact that my desk would be in a much better place if I turned it sideways to the window (for better lighting)...which led to more sorting of stuff and rearranging *lol.

But it was worth all the work  the crawling on the floor and opening and sorting old boxes with long forgotten stuff in them, my husband being such a dear to carry all the stuff down to the basement...mwah! :-x) and now I can present my new old studio to you - tadaaah!

Come in, come in and don't be shy!
To the right you can see a part of my selfmade pinboard where I display some of my tags (mainly as an inspirational source) and the box with the 12x12 papers under my desk. I also rearranged the contents of the two orange rolling storages - they once held my beads and wires (from the time when I was creating jewelry and selling it on an Advent market), now they hold my Mod Podge, structure pastes, painting media and other "potions".

Behind my desk are the two shelves that hold my mostly used crafting and stamping items.

On top of the shelves you can see our board games collection. (Did I mention that HB and me are passionate board gamers and collectors?)

On the left shelf you can also find my inspirational books, which I turn to for inspiration from time to time (or just to admire what other creative people make).
The second orange rolling storage holds some old acrylic colour bottles, some stamps and my paper cutting machine and - most important - my Sizzix Big Cut and accessories!

This image gives you a closer and better look at my most used "corner":

The stacked four clear boxes hold ribbons, rub ons, washi tape and other tinier stuff. The two red boxes on the second shelf from the bottom hold my Tim Holtz stamps, Paper Artsy stamps and some more and the acrylic stamping blocks.
Next to these are my paint dabbers and spray paints.

The view from my HB's place shows the shelf with my toy theaters (folded and stored away safely), large papers and painting and drawing media from my time as a high school arts and crafts teacher, an unused configuration box (down to the left), which was a gift from dear Sandra (thank you, Sandra, :-x), and a box with my 6x6 paper pads...

The red container holds most of my stamps and Sizzix dies and is one of my most turned to storages of course ;)

The plastic bag that is hung on my small bench vise is for dumping tiny waste like cut off wire ends, scraps from acetate or stamping rubber, EZ mount and stuff like that.

In the background you can see hubby's working place (and virtual playground too ;).
Sometimes he uses the studio for inviting his friends over for hours long strategy board games on my crafting desk (which actually is a dinner table, but it was the perfect size for my crafting needs and I love the fact that you can change the plate's size).

And this is what my HB sees, when he turns towards my place...well, usually he sees ME over there...AND a lot of mess on my table *lol. 

Well, that's the end of my tour. I hope you enjoyed the little sneak around my place ;)

Maybe you know that too: rummaging through all your stuff during clean-up actions often makes you stumble upon things you almost forgot.... and it is a good reminder of media you haven't been using for quite some time...and a source of inspiration I hope I will be able to show you some new and inspirational projects soon ;)

Hugs and happy crafting!
Claudia x


  1. Thanks for the tour. Lots of stuff to be creative with! Hope all has improved on the health front for you. Happy new year! Hugs

  2. hallo liebe claudia,
    ein ganz wunderbarer raum (in meinen augen) - DA kann man richtig kreativ sein. jetzt weiss ich wenigstens, wo du deine herrlichen sachen herstellst. klsse!
    alles liebe und hab ein schönes wochenende

  3. perfekte Organisation liebe Claudia...
    oh Du meine Güte welch toller Bastelraum--

    bei mir verschiebt sich der angestrebte, geplante Raum nun schon von Jahr zu Jahr..
    Unsere Renovierung wird viel zu ordentlich sag ich meinem Mann immer - aber er will alles perfekt und von Grund auf erneuern..und das kostet Zeit-
    erst das Dach, dann die gesamte Elektrik und inzwischen renoviert er neben dem Treppenhaus auch noch alle Türen..
    ich hab hier immerzu Dreck und lebe quasi über einer!
    aber etwas Gutes hat das Basteln am Küchentisch..
    ich hab ziemlich alles im Auge und im Griff...
    Ich hab im Wohnzimmerschrank all meine Schätze in Sektoren in Trageboxen und die hol ich mir zu meinem riesigen Küchentisch bei Bedarf , wo ich auch sogar meinen PC hab....

    einerseits voll blöd, weil ich nie viel liegen lassen kann...
    anerderseits vielleicht genau aus diesem Grund inspirirend..wer weiss das schon genau?!



  4. Great tour to your world....thank you!
    Hugs from Slovenia

  5. That was a great tour Claudia, everything looks so neat and tidy - I wonder how long that will last once you are back to your daily routine.... Wishing you good health for 2014 and lots of happy crafting hours! Hugs, Anne x

  6. Great tour! I love all the open shelving so you can see all the goodies. My room is still a work in progress but the open shelving is a must.

  7. Gesundes Neues Jahr, liebe Claudia.(:o) Es hat immer wieder etwas inspirierendes, wenn man sich in fremden Räumen umschauen darf. Aufgeräumt oder auch nicht. Deine vollen Regale haben etwas heimeliges. Ich fand als Kind schon solche Wohnzimmer doof, wo man sich nicht traute ins Sofa zu setzen, weil alle Kissen gerade stehen. Bei dir, springt einem die Kreativität quasi auf den Tisch.

  8. Wow Claudia, you have been busy!!! I love seeing other people's craft spaces and your looks amazing (and so well organised!) I am very impressed! And how lovely that you and hubby share the same room and can look at each other from your respective work places!

  9. Claudia...LOVE your new studio!!! Congrats on getting the hubby to help you carry things down. You have done a wonderful job or organizing and setting up. I am sure you will be totally inspired in your new surroundings!!! I'm excited for you! I wish you a very wonderful new year; full of exploration of your creative side. I can't wait to see what you've not even dreamed up yet! <3 Candy

  10. Was für ein tolles Stempelreich - danke für's Zeigen :)

  11. It looks like a great inspirational studio, a great place to be! Enjoy :-)

  12. Boah Claudia, danke für diese schönen Einblicke in Dein Stempelreich.
    Das sieht richtig klasse aus, da kann Frau sich niederlassen und werkeln. werkeln, werkeln ;o)

  13. Wow - you certainly worked hard to re-create your space, and it looks amazing. Very well organised too...
    Alison xx

  14. I spent some time with my Mom rearranging my own craft room over the holidays. It's not ready for pictures though. I am such a hoarder. I really am working on using up my own stash. So many projects flying around my head and so little time :) Thanks for sharing this Claudia!! -- Mary Elizabeth


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