
Wednesday 29 January 2014

Altered Clipboard

Servus and welcome to a short post today in which I want to share with you the clipboard I altered for my son, who needed it for a visit with his class at the Schönbrunner Zoo.

As some of you may already know he is a huge fan of everything sea-related...all species of fish and wales, but especially deep sea creatures. I had one grey clipboard made from heavy cardboard and it was the perfect occasion to use the lovely Oxford Impressions stamp set again :)

His soul is really longing for the secrets of the sea.... so when I translated the stamped quote to him, he said this stamp must have been made especially for him. And of course he needed a name plate on the clipboard too.

The background was made using a mix of DecoArt Americana acrylic colours and a quick spreading technique (which I never get tired of using obviosly ;) and then I stamped the images directly onto it using black jet archival ink from Ranger.

The center piece is a colour copy of a postcard I found at an Advent market. I glued it to the board using glossy Mod Podge and then I sealed the whole board with Mod Podge to make it more durable. Before doing so I drew some air bubbles with a white gel pen in some places. Done.

Sadly they did not have to use their clipboards at the zoo, but my son told me that he took it out of his bag anyway...."to show a bit off with it" as he said. Could I ask for a bigger laud? Guess not :)

Thanks for stopping by for this quick share.
Hugs and happy crafting,

Claudia x


  1. Such a gorgeous alteration Claudia...great result!

  2. das ist genial schön Claudia!
    Absolut toll gemacht!

    Ich bin auch sehr angetan von Deinem 2013 Rückblicks Potpourri...
    allesamt ein Traum!

    Sei mir lieb gegrüßt


  3. Wow - das ist ja unglaublich - so vieles zu entdecken - einfach spitze!!!!

  4. ...what a wonderful idea Claudia, and so many yummy colours of the sea to choose from, love your spreading technique...your son is very lucky to have a such a talented Mummy...Mel:)Xx

  5. cool-cool-cool!! have no another words!)))))

  6. Meine Mutter hat damals Blümchenborten an die Hosen genäht und sie so verlängert, was mir peinlich war. So ein Clipboard wäre mir wahrlich lieber gewesen. Dafür hätte ich auch ne Hochwasser - Hose in Kauf genommen (:o) Ich hab jetzt richtig Lust auf Sealife.....

  7. This looks awesome, your son must have loved it.
    Yvonne x

  8. Wonderful... such glorious depth in those layers - a real sense of the ocean deeps... You've given those stunning stamps the perfect setting.
    Alison x

  9. Ja liebe Claudia das macht Lust auf Meer. Dein Wasserfarbspiel sieht so schön aus, genauso die Anordnung der tollen Motive um die Karte herum, grandiose Gestaltung. Gefällt mir megagut. Sowas bekommt nicht jeder Sohn, brave Mama! :)
    Liebe Grüße

  10. Oohhh yes Claudia...I love it and I can imagine your son proudly displaying this beauty!!!

  11. Uuuui! Das sieht aber wieder toll aus, Claudia! Da wird dein Sohn sicher sehr stolz drauf sein - und seine Klassenkameraden werden ihn sicherlich darum beneiden! Ich finde die Interessensgebiete der Kinder immer wieder erstaunlich, und was sie darüber dann alles wissen! Der Hintergrund gefällt mir sehr gut - muss ich mal nachsehen, wie diese Technik funktioniert.
    Liebe Grüße


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