
Thursday 16 January 2014

The Owl and the Pussycat

...was one of my very first English books my mom read to me when I was about five years old and we were on a three months visit to England, which I still have the fondest memories of.

I have kept the booklet ever since because I loved the story and the drawings in it (and especially the rhymes). So I was more than pleased when I found today that one of the online classes I gave to myself as a X-mas present (and to force me a bit more into drawing and painting) had "The Owl and the Pussycat" as the theme for a lovely mini booklet technique taught by lovely Lisa Patencio over at the "Soul Food" online class!

To be honest: it took me three attempts until I finally was content with my drawings and their level of reduction (without finding them awkward)... and although I am not content with all the pages, I really love the moonlit scenery with the pea green boat at sea and owl and pussycat standing on deck.

The shape of the moon was - as was the whole background - the random result of scraping and stencilling acrylic paint onto some white bristol paper. I then enjoyed searching for and finding shapes which I could use for my characters  or which inspired images. I traced them with a pencil (and a black roller ball pen afterwards) and then started painting my owl and the pussycat, the pig with the ring in its nose, the guitar on which the owl plays the most beautiful melodies for Pussy... it's such a lovely children's book! And I am happy that I now have a "customized" version of it which I can carry with me in my wallet ;)

I used mainly DecoArt Americana and Traditions acrylic paints and a fine tip brush for the smaller details.

The Owl and the Pussycat sail the seas with their pea green boat and they are madly in love. They decide to marry but they need a ring... they find one in the nose of a pig and buy it for one shilling so they can get married by the turkey who lives on the hill...oh, I really do like this book ;)

I actually love that it turned out much more colourful than I had intended. Colours and me - they are way out of my comfort zone honestly. But I promised myself to give it a go and keep on trying... even though I am more the drawers type.

Do you know that strange feeling when you have come up with a project that feels "strange" to you and "close" at the same time?

I hope you like my "attempt" :)
Hugs and happy crafting!

Claudia x


  1. What a fabulous recreation of your memories and I am loving those colours
    Amanda x

  2. Es ist absolut genial gelungen Claudia! Bin total begeistert von Deinem kleinen Geschichtenbuch!
    Ich bin verliebt in Deine Zeichnungen und die himmlischen Farben....

    liebe Grüße zu Dir !!!
    Das tut so gut, stimmts?

    Mir zumindest.. derzeit hab ich auch wieder
    da und dort Wehwehchen ... gräßlich

    aber wenn ich was werkle denk ich an nichts ausser das..



  3. You are a genius!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! what a fabulous creation! I am amazed and admired by your creativity! BArbarayaya

  4. An amazing and such artistic look Claudia!!! Like it a lot...

  5. Das ist einfach nur wunderschön - leider bleibt mir im Augenblick immer nur Zeit für "schnelle" Projekte - aber es kommen auch wieder andere Zeiten :o)
    Ganz liebe Grüße, Dagmar

  6. Nun hast Du mich ganz sprachlos gemacht. Das ist soooo wunderbar! Leider kenne ich das Buch nicht, aber Deine Zeichnungen könnten auf jeden Fall als professionelle Illustration gesehen werden.
    Alles Liebe, Manuela

  7. Awesome piece Claudia, I like that story as well. The pictures look fabulous, especially the pea green boat with the animals in it.
    Yvonne x

  8. It's enchanting, Claudia - I love how you describe creating the abstract paint marks and finding images out of them - so much less pressure than directly drawing!! And your owl and pussycat are delightful. I love the colours... they may feel bright for you, but really if you look at them they are close to you too - the blue-greens of verdigris, the orange gold and brown of rust!! Beautiful work... the Soul Food class is feeding you well!
    Alison xx

  9. Your little book is so sweetly charming. Each little character is so unique. Delightful!

  10. Das ist ja zauberhaft und so süße Motive!!! Eine wirklich wundervolle Idee.

  11. mein gott, ist das niedlich. was heisst niedlich: toll, zauberhaft (wie schon einige hier bemerkten)äusserst kreativ. herrlich, liebe claudia!

  12. This is more than an attempt Claudia! Love it completely. Jenny x

  13. Truly adorable ... I can imagine that this project would still be on my craft desk if I had attempted it. Your sketches amaze me. Wonderfully inspired mini-booklet. Mary Elizabeth

  14. Obviously I can stay here in your world for a day or two, to admire your art Claudia. This little book is marvellous; I don’t know what is more interesting for me, your drawing, size or colours...Just perfect...keep drawing!


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