
Saturday 8 February 2014

Some apres ski sketches

Hello and servus, dear readers and followers (old and new)!

I have just returned from our skiing holidays (which were fab - a lot of sunshine, enough snow (although there could have been more of it), good food (although there could have been less of it ;), lots of good sleep and wonderful forest walks with the dog) and as I promised to myself to take up drawing again this year I took my small sketch book, some pencils, a rubber and a small booklet from the "Game of Thrones" TV series with me...

...and I came up with at least four pages filled with various sketches which I am (more or less) content with - so I dare share them with you.

I prefer to draw with a drop action pencil (because it doesn't need sharpening ;) when I work on a small format like my small sketch book.

Most difficult for me to draw are mouths honestly (and hair too - because I am too lazy to finish hair drawings... ;).

My HB and I really like "Game of Thrones" - as it is fantasy but NOT that kind of kitsch fantasy (if you know what I mean). You barely find any of the typical shallow fantasy cliches...but in fact a dense and good story with a lot of depth and beautiful images - with all you expect good fantasy to be and to offer ...and also some surprising new elements.

Hm....I admit that SHE (and her warrior prince below) look rather close to the fantasy cliche at first sight...but she does not behave like you would expect her to this character works well too. And fantasy is based on this kind of archetypes - so I guess you just have to like it or leave it be ;)

My HB has always been very much into fantasy... and some of the fantasy novels from his large collection would not meet my expectations of a good story (or good storytelling) at all. But "Game of Thrones" is an exception to that rule - I really love this series very much and also started to read the novel (which is rather complicated but beautifully told). And of course there are others like for example Ursula K. LeGuin, whom I love to read too.

I have always loved to draw fantasy characters - especially during the time when we used to play a lot of pen and paper roleplaying games like "Dungeons and Dragons", "Everway" or "The Black Eye". So drawing some of the characters from Game of Thrones brought back some of the "good vibes" and a lot of nostalgia ;)

I hope my short side trip to the realms of fantasy did not bore you to pieces ;)
(You should have seen me in my heavy leather armored Borg* costume I wore at the one (and only) live role playing game I took part in...LOL...which was actually ages ago (oh my, have we really grown that old already ? ;) and I mainly did it to impress my HB (who wasn't my HB at that time and our love was rather young at that point...well, don't tell me about the things we do for love *giggle).

Next time I will be back with some mixed media and/or stamping... well, we'll see... promise! ;)

Claudia x

*) Borg = the hostile collective from Star Trek - The Next Generation (just in case someone might NOT know who the Borg are *erhemm)

edit: I've shared these simple sketches with the community of "Share Your Face" - hosted by the lovely Kim Dellow. For more information check HERE.


  1. großartige Zeichnungen Claudia .. hach das sieht alles total perfekt aus..könntest jederzeit Illustratorin sein ... der König gefällt mir ganz besonders gut...

    Übrigens ...hihi.. ich mag auch keine Haare zeichnen..das ist so langweilig ...aber da gibt's ja viele kleine Auswege immer für mich mich davor zu drücken ... lol!


    Ich hoffe Ihr hattet einen klasse Schiurlaub!


  2. Wow Claudia, you have drawn these characters so beautifully and I recognise them too. I love Game of Thrones and am waiting patiently for it to come back but I do worry that they have killed off so many of the characters.......

  3. Hi Claudia, glad you had a good holiday and such fab sketches!
    Congratulations on the Craft Stamper article.
    Avril xx

  4. Mensch bist du begabt, liebe Claudia!!! Unglaublich toll kannst du zeichnen - wie konntest du nur jemals damit aufhören?! Mir gefällt auch der König am besten. Haare zeichnen finde ich total schwierig und langwierig, aber besonders bei dem zweiten Bild hast du die echt toll hinbekommen.
    Ich bin schon auf die weiteren Zeichnungen gespannt!
    Liebe Grüße aus dem absolut schneelosen Oberbayern :)
    xxx Evelyn

  5. Claudia your drawings are absolutely out of this world good. Big sigh -- you have to be content with them they are fabulous.
    Sandy xx

  6. this post brought back memories of a kingon wedding and lots of booze! really impressive sketches have you read the books? they great but burtal. EE

  7. OMG, these drawings are amazing!!! You are soooooo talented! Stunning. My favourite is the second one down, he just looks so full of character and so alive. I never watch telly so don't know G of T, but you have almost tempted me now.... oh and welcome back, so glad you had a good time!

  8. Cripes - I suppose I shouldn't be surprised that you can draw too!! They're fabulous sketches...
    Alison x

  9. Fabulous drawings Claudia, each one has great character to them and are beautifully realistic. Sounds like you had a great time away and hope you have come back refreshed xx

  10. Love all the drawings, Claudia :)

  11. halloliebe claudia,
    schön, dass ihr wohlbehalten wieder zurück seid.
    was soll ich sagen- deinezeichnungen sind genial! wunderscön... und JA, ich denke auch, dass haare
    sehr schwierig zu zeichnen sind. aber deine sind ausgezeichnet.
    glg und schönen sonntag

  12. Oh ... I am so glad you shared this with us. These sketches are fabulous. I can see the relaxation and cold clean air shining through the pencil strokes. Great job catching subtle expressions.

    I used to love to do quick sketch portraits from photos (never from live models ... geez ... too much pressure). And I love fantasy as well. I honestly have not gotten into the game of thrones ... yet. But it it is on my 'to do" list. These sketches really make me want to go put it in my library now:)

    Sounds like you enjoyed your holiday. Thanks for taking a moment to drop by my blog. Your comments seriously touched my heart. Our past truly contains some treasures to inspire us, don't they? Thanks again. You made my day :) -- Mary Elizabeth

  13. These sketches are awesome Claudia! You are very, very talented my lovely friend. The mouths and hair look great to me.
    Psst I have a Star Trek jacket we bought me in LA many, many years ago lol! We used to go to the conferences too and yes we have grown older since then lol!
    Thank you for sharing your beautiful art with us xx


  14. It’s great to hear you had wonderful time on vacations...drawings are superb!

  15. Wow deine skizzen sind meisterlich gelungen, bin begeistert. Große KLasse! Ich hab das seit ewigen Zeiten nicht mehr gemacht, sollte auch mal wieder üben mit dem Bleistift, mit Farbe ist das viel leichter, wenn die Umrisse schon da sind.
    Liebe Grüße

  16. Diese Zeichnungen sind so ausdrucksstark und machen mich nun wirklich neugierig auf diese Serie, die ich bis jetzt ignoriert habe.
    Du warst ja wirklich sehr fleißig in letzter Zeit! Ich hoffe Deine Erkältung hat sich verflüchtigt
    Alles Liebe, Manuela

  17. Great drawings Claudia. We have just got back from The Three Valleys in France and your trip sounds very familiar, great isn't it! Angela x

  18. ..... deine Zeichnungen von den Game of Thrones Darstellern sind genial!! Vor allem "Snow", den hast du super eingefangen!!
    Ich bin begeistert von dieser fantastischen Saga und kann kaum noch die vierte Staffel erwarten!! Von hier kommt auch mein "Nickname"..... Daenerys Targaryen hat mich auf Anhieb fasziniert!

  19. love game of thrones and your sketches are great but my fav is 'John Snow'

  20. Wonderful sketches, saw your faces over at Kim Dellow's. Hugs, Valerie

  21. Oh fantastic. Your sketches are amazing and I'm so glad you have linked them up to Show Your Face, they are wonderful inspiration! Thank you for joining in Show Your Face it is wonderful to have you in the community and thanks for the lovely shout out too. Now all we need is the pictures of you in the Borg outfit :) :) Kx

  22. Really gorgeous faces/drawings!! I love Game of Thrones....


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