
Sunday 2 March 2014

52 Card Pick Up - Session 4

Welcome back for another 52 Card Pick Up Session!
Cards 13 to 24 are meant to combine doodling with mixed media techniques which opens new ways on creating you otherwise would not have thought of. I found it hard at the beginning (having to tear my doodled cards to halves) but creative thoughts soon developed their own direction and pace and I let them take me with them.

I also feel the need to express how happy and proud I am that my cards were able to inspire and lure some other folk like Brenda Brown for example into signing in for the 52 Card Pick Up too! It seems she even likes my style of displaying them so much that she has adapted it for the cards on her blog too.

I think inspiring and getting others to seek for new styles and creative paths is the biggest laud you can get honestly. So thank you!

This time I start with showing you my doodled cards first so you can see where I have used parts of them on the cards number 13 to 16 afterwards and how I tried to incorporate them into the design.

Two of them haven't been used yet and I am not sure if I will. I think I'd rather do some new that I worked my way towards making them blend into the cards design.


I am afraid on card number 13 I painted all over my doodled word because I had used too many various colours so it just did not fit in.




Numbers 15 and 16 are my favourites because the doodles worked quite well with the 52 Card Pick Up design...but still make them more personal. 

Hope you like some of them too ;)

Hugs and happy crafting,
Claudia x


  1. Such a creative start with your doodles...and the finish even looks more creative....stunning artwork Claudia!

  2. Hach Claudia, auch die sind wieder genialschön *schwärm*
    Klasse wie Du die überarbeitet" hast.

  3. Oh wow Claudia, this set is totally brilliant!!! First of all I adore the doodles and the way you have transformed them is out of this world! LOVE!!!!!

  4. Oh menno....dein *Gedoodel* ist ja schon der Hammer...und die fertigen Karten sind einfach nur *Schmachz* (:o)

  5. liebe claudia,
    ich komm' bei dir gar nichtmit dem lesen nach....
    ganz tolle teile sind das wieder. deine kreativität scheint unbegrenzrt!

  6. Liebe Claudia was du da so aus den vorher etwas nackt aussehenden Karten gezaubert hast, ist wieder der Wahnsinn, megaklasse! Ein echter Augenschmaus.
    Liebe Grüße

  7. You now have already a great collection of the awesome cards...I love them all, even those I didn’t comment on, but I did admire them! It will be fantastic to see the whole bunch after finishing...can’t wait! Big hug my dear friend!

  8. I've come back a few times now to see these as I am sooooo in love with them!!!! Just wonderful! Is this a class that I could take online anytime or is it something that is now closed?? I'd love to take the class. Thanks!!!

  9. Hi Claudia: Why do you call it "52 Card Pick Up?"


Thank you so much for your visit and especially for taking the time to leave me a short comment! This is highly appreciated! xxx