
Friday 21 March 2014


I created a new panel from paint board yesterday, having a heavy play with acrylic colours, DecoArt Dazzling Metallics, DecoArt modelling paste, stencils, wire, some rusted keys (given to me by dear Uncle Helmut ;) and my new Red Lead word stamps.

For those who want to take a closer look at the project I set up a new blog "Von Pappe", where I plan to focus on the more personal makes and on those my heart belongs with. (I don't intend to do an announcement over here for every new project I put up over there, because I assume then I could post all of it right here and would not need the other blog anyway - so if you are really interested take a closer look at the Von Pappe blog from time to time ;).

I recently found that VonPappeII looks so crammed with all the blinkies, badges, followers icons and snippets that one cannot easily focus on the make itself. So I decided to have two Von Pappe being the more fun and interactive one and the other being "pure art" that (hopefully) mainly speaks for itself. So if you might want to hop over to see more details of my project I would be very happy.

Hugs and happy crafting,
Claudia x


  1. Claudia...your art board is really awesome. I love all of the different ways you've used the DecoArt products to create such a cool look. It's very grungy but at the same time, so artful and tastefully done. You have a really wonderful knack of balancing that so well...pushing grunge to the limit but not overly doing it where it starts to look "gunky" it that makes sense. I see that you've set up a new blog for your personal art ... and I love that! Sometimes it is so fun just to play for YOU and not have to worry about products your using or companies who want you to promote them. I know your art has been and will continue to be inspiring. Thanks for stopping by my blog. Your comments always mean so much to me as I think you are a very special lady and such a talented artist. <3 Candy

  2. Na du haust ja ein Schätzchen nach dem nächsten raus (:o) Die Farben sprechen mich total an...soooo tarnmustermässig, wie es die Bundeswehr trägt*lol* Was sagt das jetzt über mich aus? Das ich auf Uniformen stehe?*gg* So etwas kann ich mir auch auf einer grossen Leinwand gut vorstellen, denn schon in klein ist es ein echter Hingucker (:o)

  3. A brilliantly composed and textured piece of art Claudia, I love the earthy, gritty feel to it xx

  4. What a glorious tag Claudia. The colours and details are wonderful !

  5. I had lost this tag! Stunning as ever, perhaps one of my favorites among yours! BArbarayaya


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