
Thursday 13 March 2014

Photograph Finder's Observations

Just a quick (but picture heavy) share today as I am rather busy.
I recently bought the lovely Sizzix camera die and created a panel yesterday, playing with variation and colours.

I used various sheets of Kraft Core, sanded it and glued it to a prepared background I had made with a corrugated card panel, white Gesso and DecoArt Americana acrylic colours.

I also used chit chat stickers, remnant rub ons and washi tape to add some texture.

The acrylic colours where applied to the gesso-ed surface using a brayer, which creates these vibrant dots and textures.

I also blended the shapes in by outlining the camera shapes with a Distress marker "black soot" and smudging the colour around with some DecoArt Decou-page on my finger.

I just love the texture of the Kraft Core!

I hope you like my panel! Thanks for stopping by and happy crafting!

Claudia x

I enter this project to:

 Simon's actual Monday Challenge "D is for Distress" (sanded die cuts, Distress marker for shading)


  1. This creation with the camera's looks great Claudia...especially that interesting background!

  2. I really like this color study and how the background ties everything together. I am amazed by that background. It looks like a piece of wood that has been painted multiple times ... layer upon layer of color. And then it was left outside for time to do its marvelous work of distressing the piece. That brayering application of the paint is awesome! I love the colors that you used too. You gave a Vintage-feeling piece life with those colors. Great shading around the colored cameras. Fun panel! -- Mary Elizabeth

  3. A fabulous panel Claudia. It's amazing how to the eye the colours change the shape and size of the cameras. Love the background with its artsy look and gorgeous colours xx

  4. Absolutely love everything about this, Claudia. The colours and the layers are sublime!

  5. A wonderful panel with an amazing background

    Thank you for joining in at Artful Times for anything goes

    Love Chrissie x

  6. Claudia what a stunning piece love it all from your brilliant background to the trio of Kraft core camera's . Fabulous!!
    Amanda x

  7. Wie wundervoll! Ich mag diesen verwittert aussehenden Hintergrund und das Thema Fotografie.
    Alles Liebe und bis bald, Manuela

  8. absolutely gorgeous. lovely art

  9. Love the shabby look on the cameras, and great colour variations - and the background is glorious!
    Busy lives all round at the moment, then!
    Alison xx

  10. Amazing colors...the work so well togheter!!! Love it!!

  11. A fabulous panel Claudia, love the shabby look to the background. The cameras look wonderful in the Kraft Core.
    Avril xx

  12. This project is gorgeous! I love the beautiful distressed cameras and the amazing background color scheme. Thank you so much for sharing with us at Simon Says Stamp Monday Challenge. :)

  13. Brilliant hanger Claudia and such a fantastic use of that die! The background looks so artsy, love it, and the added shadows give such depth to this piece, - brilliant!

  14. Es ist sehr schön geworden.

  15. Gorgeous background, Claudia! total love the texture.

  16. Love the texture and the background, the colors are great!

  17. servus claudia,
    endlich mal wieder ein bissl zeit (du weisst, die krestivmesse in wien ruft) bei dir hier rmzuwuseln.
    ich kann nur sagen: kompliment. deine farbgestaltung ist immer wieder bewundernswert. so wie deine
    projekte! herrlich. vielleicht bleibt dann mal zeit '2für uns zwei"...

  18. Fantastic Piece!!! Thanks so much for joining us at the Simon Says Stamp Monday Challenge Blog! - Ashli :)

  19. Fabulous arty background ! sorry for being late on commenting on your entry for Artful Times
    Von ☺x☺

  20. A fabulous job! I really like everything, the background is absolutely fantastic! A color palette fits perfectly, the theme of the camera played on three cardstock distress is a touch of class! beautiful sketch and wonderfully made​​! Thanks for joining us this week on Simon Says Stamp Monday Challenge! Barbarayaya

  21. Der Hintergrund sieht mal wieder mühelos dahin geschlonzt aus. Das ist die wahre Pracht!! Wie du das immer hin bekommst, ist mir echt ein Rätsel (:o) Und überhaupt....ich werde Stanzen demnächst aus einem anderen Blickwinkel betrachten müssen. Sehr gelungen!

  22. Gorgeous project! The textured background is wonderful and I love those three cameras. Great idea to die cut them from different kraft core papers and piece them back together. Thank you so much for sharing with us at Simon Says Stamp Monday Challenge Blog!

  23. Ja dieser Hg ist zum Niederknien schön, tolle Technik und die Idee mit den Stanzteilen in Serie angeordnet so ein kleines Kunstwerk zu schaffen ist einfach genial. Klasse Arbeit, gefällt mit megagut.
    Ganz liebe Grüße

  24. I like your panel very much. Great use of colour and texture. What a fabulous way of using that die.
    Thanks for sharing with us at Artful Times - Hugs, Neet xx

  25. Hier muss ich auch noch hin... Dieses Kunstwerk kann nicht unkommentiert bleiben (na ja, es gab ja schon eine Reihe an Komplimenten, ich bin mal wieder etwas im Verzug). Ich habe mir gleich mal wieder die Bilder vergrößert. Deine, darf ich das sagen?, fast schon schäbigen Hintergründe sehen aus, als hätten sie Jahrhunderte auf dem Buckel. Super schön!
    Tschüsschen, bis bald!

  26. I am quickly becoming your biggest fan! It's always so fun to see what you create! You're incredibly talented and your backgrounds are truly a work of art by themselves! Gorgeous Tag!

  27. Congrats on the win at SSS Monday Challenge!! Definitely a well-deserved win my friend!! -- Mary Elizabeth

  28. Claudia, this is a great piece. Love your cameras. Congrats on your win!!

  29. So pleased to see your name with this gorgeous piece given a special mention today. Congratulations on your Tim Blogworthy link.
    hugs Brenda xx

  30. Claudia...YAY! I am so happy for you being named among Tim's Spring Blogworthy Links for your camera piece. Now THIS is a very artfully and beautifully done piece. But then, I would expect nothing less from you! You are an amazing talent and I am so pleased the you are receiving this very special recognition. CONGRATULATIONS! I also want to say thank you for the very sweet comment that you left on my blog regarding the Compendium challenges coming up. I look forward to seeing your art. I know you will do Tim proud. :) <3 Candy

  31. Woohoo Claudia, congrats on being one of sir Tim's blogworthies with this project!!

  32. Your work is always incredible Claudia and this epitomises how clever you are. Such a dramatic and well designed/created piece that screams distress at it's very best. Huge congratulations on your Blogworthy link my friend! Jenny x

  33. Love the cameras, so much fun! Thanks for sharing.

  34. FABULOUS project! I love everything about it...the cameras, the textures, the colors. Congrats on your blogworthy link!!!

  35. So cute and very original...great job!!! camera details are great.

  36. Your project is totally awesome, Congrats on being a Blogworthy.

  37. Such a wonderful piece. CONGRATULATIONS on making Tim's blog worthy list. Karen.x

  38. Congratulations on being one of Tim's Blogworthy links for this beautiful piece Claudia!

  39. Congratulations Claudia! You so well deserve the Blogworthy link and I am very happy for you my dear friend!

  40. Congrats on receiving a well deserved shout out on tim's blogworthy links 2014-04-25

  41. Have just jumped from Tim's blogworthy links and wow, I'm so glad I did. Love you work and now I am a dedicated follower. Thanks for sharing. Jean.x

  42. Bin gerade über Tim's blogworthy links auf deine Seite gestoßen, dein Projekt finde ich unglaublich schön. Diese Idee - ich bin einfach total begeistert :) Liebe Grüße, Lisa.

  43. Love the background! Thanks for sharing.

  44. Gorgeous panel - love all the texture and colors are fantastic! Thank you for sharing.

  45. I am so happy this project was picked as blogworthy! It is a favourite of mine. So clever!

  46. This is so creatively cool! Thanks for taking the time to share!

  47. This piece is a bit of perfection! I adore it!

  48. This piece I liked it from the first moment I saw it! I am happy that Tim has placed you in his Springtime blogworthy links, you deserve it, you're creative at 360 °! Congratulations! BArbarayaya

  49. That's a fun panel ... love what you did with the colors !! Congrats on being blog worthy!

  50. Congrats on being on Tim's Blogworthy list. Love the background that you have created with this piece. Cheers,


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