
Saturday 19 April 2014

Happy Easter!

I just found some time inbetween preparing the Easter cake and brunch for tomorrow and cleaning the flat to upload the first images I took with my new camera yesterday when I hiked the beautiful vineyards located at the Bisamberg northeast of Vienna.

I have decided to take up photographing again and it took me over two years to decide which kind of camera to buy until I stumbled upon a real bargain some weeks ago - and as this camera is the follower up model to my old one I didn't hesitate any longer. There's still a lot to learn because it does a lot of new things (and I haven't found the time yet to read the whole instructions)....but yesterday was a wonderful sunny day and we wanted to sit in one of those lovely "Heurigen" after a little walk.

Along the various paths you find a lot of wine cellars like this one.

I love their various looks of beautiful decay and that they seem to have become one with their surrounding. 

If you want to see some more I would love to invite you over to my rather new "art blog" Von Pappe (which is meant to be the place where to share with you the "more earnest" and thoughtful side of me). But the images here are meant for all my true and dear and new readers and crafting friends: 

to wish you a very 

Happy Easter 

with your loved ones! 

Claudia x


  1. Some good photos with your new camera, hope you enjoy it. Happy Easter to you too.
    Amanda x

  2. Ich wünsche dir ein wunderschönes, sonniges Osterfest und einen tollen Brunch. Ganz liebe Grüße, Dagmar

  3. Stunning photos Claudia! Wow, wonderful to have a brand new camera!

    Happy Easter to you and yours!! I have just finished cleaning my flat, now to start preparing lunch for tomorrow, - no rest for the wicked....

  4. Beautiful photos, enjoy your new camera and wishing you and yours a happy Easter too xx

  5. Zwei sehr schöne Aufnahmen, sehr gelungen. Solche Ansichten liebe ich auch sehr, altes Gemäuer und Dinge mit Patina.
    Frohe Ostern

  6. It is really the eye behind the camera that makes the shot. These are good. Happy Easter.

  7. Wonderful photos Claudia.
    Hope you and yours have a lovely Easter weekend.
    Yvonne x

  8. Wow! Fantastic photos!!!

    Happy Easter to you!

  9. I really love it when you randomly drop by my blog and leave awesomely cool comments. Thanks a bunch! Happy Easter to you too.

  10. Ich schaue nur eben rein, um Dir "Frohe Ostern" zu wünschen, liebe Claudia.
    Deine Fotos sind echt super

  11. Lovely photos - glad you enjoyed some fresh air and beautiful discoveries on your Easter break.
    Alison xx


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