
Friday, 23 June 2017

Guesting at A Vintage Journey

Servus, hi and welcome! Today I have the very special pleasure and honour to guest over at A Vintage Journey where I am sharing a little canvas - especially created for their wonderful "Canvas" challenge hosted by lovely Nikki Acton!

Nikki says: "Let's work with canvas this month in our vintage; shabby; mixed media, art journalling, industrial, timeworn or steampunk style.  It doesn't matter how as long as some canvas is a dominant feature of your project. Perhaps you may use a canvas in the traditional way or use the reverse to create a shadow box? Canvas boards are fabulous to work on or perhaps you have some canvas sheets which can be cut and adhered to another surface."

I did not only use a canvas to work on as my substrate but also a strip of canvas in a very special way to create some extra interest and dimension.

On this piece some of my favourite materials and media to work with came together - raw canvas (which I have learned to love being part of the Canvas Corp Brands design team), some cool steampunk MDF wood shapes from the fantastic and wide range of Calico Craft Parts and of course some of my beloved DecoArt media as well.

My goal was to create something precious or "worthy" by partially using gilding flakes on the MDF parts and in some other spots on my canvas) and then partially "stain" and/or "hide" them - which in a way draws even more attention to them. (we often only find out what things (or persons) mean to us when we find them being taken away from us or in danger of being damaged or stained, right?)

And I have recently promised myself to have more faith - in myself, my body, and life in general (seems I have lost a good deal of that during the last years of struggling with bad health).  But sometimes things happen - unexpectedly - that make us aware of the fact that we have just quit trying again or believing that things can get better).

Hence the gilded wings - to remind me to be more daring and try to fly again without fear of falling or not even getting off the ground.

So this is the motto of my canvas - one that definitely is worth being lived by and that I hope to never forget again.

If you want to find out more about my little faithful canvas and the how-to, simply hop over to A Vintage Journey. I would love to see you there!
Thanks so much for stopping by!

Hugs and happy crafting!


  1. Ein traumhafter Keilrahmen Claudia, Deine Arbeiten sind immer etwas GAAANZ Besonderes und einzigartig. Ich freue mich zu hören dass Du viel Vertrauen in Deinen Körper und Dich setzt. Das ist so wichtig - und das bringt vorwärts in Richtung einer positiven Einstellung, und das ist es, was zählt!
    ich denke das Kreativsein hilft uns so unendlich viel im Kampf gegen Krankeit und Leiden. Ich würde ohne mein Hobby auch nicht so positiv mit meinen immer wieder aufflackernden gesundheitlichen Problemen umgehen können. Gut dass wir so ein schönes Geschenk in die Wiege gelegt bekommen haben so viel Freude am Kreativsein zu finden!

    Alles Liebe für Dich und keep cool an der Donau in Wien!
    Schönes Wochenende

  2. Hinter deinem Projekt steckt wieder ganz viel © Claudia, (nicht) von Pappe wie man so schön sagt, sofort erkennbar und unverwechselbar, eine wunderbarer neuer 3D Effekt, primo :-) kommt sofort ins Ideenregister! LG Kerstin xx

  3. Wow Claudia - I just love your canvas! Thank you so much for creating this to share at A Vintage Journey. The folded canvas idea is brilliant - you are an inspiration! xxx


Thank you so much for your visit and especially for taking the time to leave me a short comment! This is highly appreciated! xxx