
Wednesday 20 November 2013

Another brilliant sundown over Vienna

I am still struggling with some health issues and even though they are nothing too severe (and should be fixed within the next two weeks hopefully) they cause a creative block which I really hate. The weather over here in Vienna is mostly grey in grey during the days - only the evenings bring the most beautiful sundowns of the year.

The view from my balcony shows the Danube Tower to the left and the large dark building in the center is our General Hospital. The soft hills in the background are my beloved Vienna Woods.

About twenty minutes later the city looked like this:

I really never tire of watching my Vienna change its face within minutes.... and even my son often calls for me to take one more picture ("Mom, it's even more fantastic now! You HAVE to take a picture!" minute later..."Mom, it has turned even more fantastic now! Please, take a picture!...;)

If you want larger images just click on them. Hope you have a good time crafting!


Claudia x


  1. wow, what a gorgeous view you have! Postcard quality! I sure hope you get to feeling better soon, best wishes my friend! waving hi from the hills of North Carolina ♥

  2. Fantastic view and lovely photographs!

  3. traumhafte Sonnenuntergang über der Stadt liebe Claudia!
    Gute Besserung!
    ich drück die Daumen, dass Du ganz schnell wieder ganz fit bist und Dein Muse wieder walten kann!

  4. Stunning pictures Claudia! I think I have said it before, I love Vienna and this offers a whole new view of the city!

    Hope you feel better soon BIG hugs!!!

  5. Now that's what I call a dramatic sky! You have to see it to believe it & your photo has captured it brilliantly. Hope you start to feel better really soon ... xx

  6. What a gorgeous view you have Claudia! Please take good care of yourself and get fully well soon. Big hugs, Anne x

  7. Wonderful skyline. Feel better!!! Cathy

  8. Astoundingly beautiful - what an inspiring sky to be faced with, and how frustrating to be blocked by your misbehaving health. Do hope your own skies will clear soon.
    Alison xx

  9. I sympathize. I understand how ill health can stifle creativity. My ill health has kept me from visiting everyone's blog of late. So I am making up for it now over my holiday break. I hope you are feeling better Claudia. Thanks for sharing the pictures of Vienna ... stunning!! Hugs to you -- Mary Elizabeth


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