
Tuesday 19 November 2013

White On White - Try It On Tuesday

Servus and welcome back to another edition of Try It On Tuesday challenges!

The new challenge asks you to create something

White On White

(which from my point of view is one of the supreme disciplines of card making and crafting....which is why I really struggled with this theme - but the results are worth it honestly - just hop over to TIOT and see for yourself ;).

Sadly this will be my last DT project for Try It On Tuesday and I want to thank my wonderful team for having this wonderful, wonderful time. TIOT was my very first DT and (also because of that) will always remain something special to me :). Thank you so much, ladies! You really helped me with growing into challenges and DT stuff and made me love it. 

I recently had some health issues which made me think.... and after I had thought enough I decided to reduce some of my crafting time and rather spend it on becoming more agile and healthy again (instead of just "waiting" for better times and hiding out behind my crafting desk). I also wanted to gain more time for creative experiment (which includes also projects that might go to the bin - and this should not happen when under pressure with DT projects to be done).

My white on white card is not white on white on the back honestly...*lol. I hardly ever manage to make anything without leaving at least one final fingerprint...*sigh. I really admire all those card makers out there, who are able to produce all these immaculate cards!! I definitely will never become one of them *lol.

But now to my card for your inspiration:

I did some dry embossing, some heat embossing (which is so very white on white that it was almost impossible to photograph *giggle) and some die cutting. And that's mainly it.

To make all the white shapes a bit more visible I blended the edges and raised areas with Distress ink "antique linen". Hope you like it (as it is really the best I can manage with card making I am afraid ;).

See you over at Try It On Tuesday (to admire and learn from your white on white projects) and I wish you all many many more crafting fun with the TIOT challenges. It's definitely one of the best places I know ;)

Claudia x


  1. Das ist toll - weiß auf weiß ist immer eine tolle Herausforderung ! LG Dagmar

  2. die Karte ist wunderschön Claudia... zart und ein wenig vintagig insgesamt aber doch nur einen Hauch- sehr reizvoll so .-- gefällt mir sehr gut!
    willkommen im Club... ich verschmutze auch fast alles mit Fingertappern oder Farben ..
    ich denke aber es geht den allermeisten so .. nicht umsonst sind die meisten Hintergründe auf dunklem Karton gemattet zuletzt LAYER Karten hab ich mir eine Zeit auferlegt..und ich fand das am schwersten..und die anderen dachten aber ich bin zu faul zum Matten...nö war ich nicht ..ich habe mich selbst zu disziplinieren versucht....

    Recht hast Du.. frau bringt sich da in eine Zwickmühle mit all den Designteamposten...
    kenn ich inzwischen auch.. auch für Zeitschriften arbeiten ist nicht so toll... da musst Du im Juli Weihnachtsprojekte vorbereiten etc...
    seit ich die meisten Verpflichtungen dahingehend abgestreift habe werkle ich mit mehr Liebe und kann mich für mich selbst entwickeln.. klar es ist auch immer ein guter Ansport ..quasi Ritual.. für diese oder jene Aufgabe "MUSS" was gemacht werden und man lernt dann doch auch wahnsinnig viel bei jeder Herausforderung....aber insgesamt....
    ich denke das es Stress...(selbstgemachter , den wir Frauen uns oft aufhalsen, weil wir nicht egoistisch genug denken) und Stress ist wohl für uns nicht angesagt..und ungesund obendrein-
    da könnten wir ja gleich wieder in die Arbeitswelt eintauchen ganz tief, wenn wir das suchen würden, stimmt doch?

    Ich wünsch Dir, dass Du alle gesundheitlichen Probleme in den Griff kriegst... nimm Dir Zeit für DICH das ist das wichtigste für uns Frauen!sei lieb gegrüßt

    knuddel aus dem nebligen Norden


  3. Nice blending, great white on white card Claudia

  4. Hi Claudia, I am sad to see you go - I love your work and this is no exception, its a beautiful festive card.
    Crafty hugs, Avril xx

  5. Hi Claudia, this is a truly gorgeous white card.
    We will miss you lots and remember the fantastic DT pieces you made for us.
    Take care.
    Yvonne xx

  6. Ooooooh this is a gorgeous card.

  7. I love your beautiful white on white card Claudia, the dry embossing is stunning and I love those die cuts too - a really lovely card. Hugs, Anne x

  8. The card is beautiful. lets just call it dirty white. Keep well. Liebe gruesse von Francesca

  9. Beautiful card, and you did really well considering it's not your thing. I know what you mean, grunge on grunge would be more my cup of tea! Ups, habe wieder Englisch geschreben, bin müde! LG, Valerie

  10. Wow, so weiß auf weiß sieht aber auch klasse aus.

  11. Fabulous Claudia! Specially love that embossed(?) band in the middle of the card! I totally know what you mean, I have never in my life managed a white on white card and am full fo admiration for how well you managed!

    You have probably made absolutely the right decision as far as DTs are concerned, - I wish you all the best on the road to good health!

  12. This is so pretty! Never would have guess you struggled. We will miss your beautiful creations and wish you the best always.
    Hugz, Z

  13. what a wonderful card! i love white on white and I'll try it!!!! BArbarayaya

  14. LOVELY card!
    Difficult challenge as far as I am concerned, hehe.
    Enjoy your DT's, and a happy year with the CS.
    xxx Ellie

  15. I'm glad to see you are not the only one in awe of perfect card makers. I'm with you - can't seem to get to that result as grunge and mess were made for us!! I am looking forward to hearing how your creative and health journey goes - keep us posted on your blog! Love your card - I think is amply qualifies as white on white. Like I said in my post 'Fifty Shades of White'!! Ha! Ha! Take care xx

  16. Well, you know I second your admiration for immaculate card makers, but I love your delicately distressed piece here...

    And having read Susi's long comment above, I see no need to write most of those thoughts out again, as I share them fairly exactly. I think your decision to step down is creatively very exciting, not a negative at all - and I hope that it will help with all those steps forward in health and in your creative life. Looking forward to the ride...
    Alison xx

  17. Claudia ... I truly understand the choices one must make when it comes to health and life. One simply cannot do everything. I'm very happy for you. I'm working backwards on commenting on your posts and it looks like your decision has been a good one. You simply must create and share. I echo Alison's comment above ... I am looking forward to walking this journey with you.

    Love this white on white card -- incredibly elegant! -- Mary Elizabeth


Thank you so much for your visit and especially for taking the time to leave me a short comment! This is highly appreciated! xxx