
Monday 18 November 2013

Imagine... all talking in numbers or notes.
While I am the one who loves words (to hear them, read them, write them, even see them), my husband is a maths genius (and obviously my son is too) . To him numbers and algorithms are just different ways to express ideas and ways to describe systems in our world.

When I stumbled upon the music sheet background page in my art journal I thought that notes are a different kind of language too. So I decided to bring letters, notes and numbers together and do an art journal page about ...well, about what exactly? About life I guess. Life seen (and expressed) from a different perspective. My son and my HB both find systems almost everywhere - in shopping malls as well as out in beautiful nature - and they all can be described numerically.

Being able to write down a wonderful musical composition is just another language, isn't it? I love it when music is in the air - and imagine the notes flying around, dancing in the air to a mathematically (?) organized choreography, weaving a wonderful carpet of sound - talking to us without words, but evoking a lot of images, feelings, colours maybe? Music and imagination go together so well, don't they?

I really admire composers and mathematicians - they "speak" languages I am not able to use myself as I am a words-fixated girl. I even guess they see the world differently.

I love the shapes of letters, different fonts, the look of music sheets or calculations on paper. Doing this page I enjoyed playing around with the shapes of numbers, letters, single words, black and white space and covered against non covered areas.

Have a good start into the week! It's grey in grey over here again....*sigh.

Hugs and happy crafting!

Claudia x

PS: as mathematics will always remain a big mystery to me, I enter this journal page to Simon Says Monday Challenge "It's a Mystery"


  1. wie cool ist das denn, liebe claudia! dieses (und die von den vorposts) sind einfach spitze.
    das material, die umsetzung - die gedanken dazu! einfach herrlich und toll.
    alles liebe

  2. .... was heisst hier toll. eigentlich wollte ich !einzigartig! sagen...

  3. Fabulous spread Claudia! I have learned in my life that there is a deep connection between music and the world of number (Pythagoras knew that better than anyone I think). Your page is unique on so many levels!
    My DH and my oldest son, have a similar inclination to yours, so I am well familiar with it. I am more of a word than a number girl, but my main language will always be colour lol...

  4. This journal page is stunning! And your write up for it was interesting. Music is like a mathematical formula.

  5. fabelfabelfabelhaft!

    ich hatte sofort den GÖDEL - ESCHER-BACH Schmöker im HInterkopf als ich Deinen post gelesen habe...
    mir geht's wie Dir..ich bin mehr die visuelle Quatscherin... mehr intuitiv ..
    und leider komplett UNLOGISCH...

    mein Töchterlein ist mir eher ähnlich, aber ich habe Hoffnung, das sie jetzt in der 3. soagr mit einem 2 er in Mathe gestartet ist...
    sie sagte mir kürzlich..
    ohne Mathe wären wir nur ein Haufen Dreck Mama....


  6. A really lovely post today Claudia and I love the way you have mixed the musical notes with the numbers and words on your beautiful page. I only have to hear or see the word 'imagine' to start humming that musical classic....... Hugs, Anne x

  7. Wenn ich deine Journalseite sehe, hab ich das Gefühl, ich sollte wieder zur Schule gehen.Himmel wie schö gesehen, stehe ich auch auf Zahlen (:o)

  8. Eine ganz grandiose Seite ist dir da gelungen, da harmoniert und korrespondiert Alles zusammen, Farben, Formen,Zahlen und Schrift. Große Klasse!
    Liebe Grüße

  9. Sieht wieder mal große klasse aus, Claudia, Klasse Farbwahl.

  10. Wow! this is a wonderful art journal page! Amazing!!!! barbarayaya

  11. Claudia...your mystery piece is awesome! I love it! I am just getting into gelli plating and trying to do more art journaling when I find the time....I need to find MORE time as I find it to be quite rewarding and sometimes even therapeutic! haha Your page is wonderful! I love all of the different elements you've used. The sheet music in the background looks great with the black stamping and the different patterns you've used. I love "CREATE" going up the right side and being colored in the pinkish color. All of the numbers really add alot as well. Very cool design. I've been so busy lately that I've not been very good about commenting and I apologize for that. I appreciate that comments that you've left for me. I always love your work! Thanks for sharing your art journal page with everyone at Simon Says Stamp Monday Challenge, too. <3 Candy

  12. Fabulous piece Claudia. Love all the different elements, the sheet music int he background looks fabulous and I love the stamping, the differing patterns and shapes and numbers too. Great design and so many layers of interest. Thanks so much for sharing your work with the Simon Says Stamp Monday Challenge. Tracy x x

  13. And so often magnificent mathematicians are also magnificent musicians - it seems to coincide! Fabulous page, and I love your musings in between all the dramatic photos. Great journalling again!
    Alison xx

  14. Hi Claudia....THANK YOU so much again for the really sweet comments you left on my blog about my mystery piece. I'm so happy that it affected you that way. That is what I intended for it to do. Have a wonderful week! <3 Candy

  15. Fabulous layers upon layers all working together, love the approach you have taken with this. I've always been a bit scared of maths but love the visual appeal of numbers ! x


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