
Tuesday 12 November 2013

More Gelli Plate Adventures

When I first saw monoprints done with the Gelli Plate I was instantly intrigued - not only by the cool idea for this clever product but by the special appearance of monoprints in general. As they are built up from layers and "used" and "blank" space, from overlapping colours and shapes you never really have complete control over the finished project - which is something that I love AND struggle with at the same time....

...coming from arts university (where I was tought a lot of old school painting techniques and the dogma that only art that is created in complete control is "good art") the discovery of all those messy techniques in the world of mixed media, stamping and scrapping was such a gift to me. Suddenly I had found a place in art where I felt I belonged. Suddenly I felt freed from some "wrong idea" about art that had been holding me down for so long.

Monoprinting with the Gelli Plate takes me back to my students days - when I tried to work out how to become a painter in complete control of the colours (which actually still is something I am not good at as I am more the graphic art type)... I had to redo a lot of lessons from the painters masterclass honestly and never really managed to find my way into creating with colours without having this feeling of "insecurity" in my head. I always knew I am no painter and I believe that nothing can turn you into a painter if you simply aren't already deep inside of you.

So my first struggles with the Gelli Plate came as no surprise to me...and I knew what it was that made me want to master this medium and let go of control at the same time ;)
Well, maybe you now can imagine my joy with those first results I want to show you today - it's paint on the paper! And it even mixes up into something that looks not only cool but also joyful. (and you can still see the graphic art girl in them too *lol) ;)

Hope I did not bore you too much with my blah blah, but it just had to be said aloud I guess. Please, bear with me and enjoy the prints.

Hugs and happy crafting!

Claudia x


  1. So glad you are enjoying the gelli plate now. Your prints today are beautiful - and even the ones that don't work for you (and there will probably be a few because of the serendipitous nature of mono printing) can be the basis of some great art (I often use water soluble pastels over the top).

  2. Love the blah blah, everyone has a story so it's great to get to know you better. Great prints with those numbers.
    Amanda x

  3. ja ich verstehe Dich ganz gut... im Prinzip erlebst Du mit diser Platte quasi auch eine Art Emanzipation der Künstlerseele, die in Schranken gewiesen wurde durch die vielen Beschränkungen und Regeln die sich unser Bildungssystem bedient...
    Der Kunst ihre Freiheit Claudia ... printe was das Zeug hält..
    die sehen super gut aus!

  4. These prints are gorgeous! You're making me want to go out and get a Gelli plate!!

  5. Huhu Claudia, auch die sehen großartig aus. Die können für sich alleine schon bestehen und bräuchten eigentlich kein weiteres "Beiwerk" zur Vollendung.

  6. Claudia -- I am so glad you shared this with us! I can really relate to what you said and I have a feeling that many others in this community can as well. I honestly have kept away from gelli plates because I was afraid of them. I too have found a home here with all of you in this wonderful world of mixed media. And I've found my "comfort zone". Gelli plates have been outside my comfort zone; however I have been astounded by the impact gelli plates can make on a mixed media piece. Thanks so much for sharing your journey with us Claudia. I think most of us are so used to seeing each others' "finished products" that we take it for granted that everyone else has days when we try and try to get the effect that we want.

    I have enjoyed reading your blog over the last couple of days and I want you to know that I think today's prints are marvelous!!!!! I see the wonderful layers and negative space of the gelli plates and I also see your incredible artistic fingerprint on the composition. You are definitely being able to express who you are through this medium. Can't wait to see what you create next Claudia!!!! -- Mary Elizabeth

  7. Claudia I just wanted to pop over and congratulate you on making the Craft Stamper 2014 DT. So very very proud of you huni xx

  8. We don't mind your blah blah at all Claudia, I for one love your honesty and the way you are prepared to share your artistic journey with us all. This latest set of prints looks so accomplished, you definitely are a fast learner. Yes I can see the graphic artist, but I definitely also perceive real painterly qualities in you!

  9. Your prints are really fabulous. Letting go of 'perfection' produces the best results we think.

  10. I loved your BlaBla Claudia...such an honest story about your struggle in art...And look at you, being happy...great results..You must feel great now :-)

  11. Claudia - I was so thrilled that you stopped by my blog and left such beautiful words on my last post because I am such a fan of yours!!!! You probably didnt know that! I have always admired your talent so much - it was absolutely a fantastic surprise to have you come by mine AND say such lovely things. I havent checked the blog in over a week because I have been doing bunch of outdoorsy things so I am really sorry for the late reply.

  12. It's so fascinating reading about your artistic journey... I envy all those years of experimenting sometimes, but then when I hear how it kept you imprisoned in certain ideas, I think maybe it's better not to have that history! There's real excitement in your work for me so much of the time anyway - and especially in the recent art journalling journey - it feels fresh and free and it's so "painterly", I would say. Keep having fun with the Gellis - I think they probably have an important place in your journey!
    Alison xx

  13. Das sind total klasse Ergebnisse mit der Gelli plate, gefallen mir sehr gut.
    Liebe Grüße


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