
Saturday 22 February 2014

52 Card Pick Up - Session 1

Today I gave myself finally a push to start my 52 Card Pick Up deck.

If you don't know what "52 Card Pick Up" is all about take a look at Stephanie Ackerman's site to learn more about her lovely concept HERE.

I love her concept of having a project that - once it is ready - will always stay a source to refer to if you feel down or have lost your mojo. I also love that you can either choose to do one card a week or more in one go (which is what I do as once you have started creating and messing around you can't just stop after one card ;).

I decided to follow Stephanie's order of cards (as she definitely has put a lot of thought into "building up" your very personal project and creativity along with it) I started with the cover card and then did the numbers 2 to 4.

As my playing cards are a bit smaller than the ones she uses with her class the design differs a I use many elements that she used that are they take more space on my cards than on hers. But actually this is something that makes my cards more "me" - so I very much like that.

On card No. 2 I ran out of chit chat stickers, so I replaced one word with a stamped one...and think it looks really cool!

This time I managed to work with glitter and NOT having it all over my clothes and place afterwards. What a lucky moment! LOL

I had a wonderful time at my crafting desk stamping, smearing and smudging distress paints, markers, inks and stains, glueing and tearing and working with assured: my hands did almost look like another finished card afterwards (having glue, scraps of torn bookpages, glitter and paint on them all over...due to a forgotten spot of still wet black acrylic paint on a black piece of craft sheet which I use a palette;).

Thanks for visiting!
Hugs and happy crafting!

Claudia x


  1. Genialst schön Claudia .. das geamte Set ist schon mal HIMMLISCH schön!

    sei mir lieb gegrüßt -


  2. I love your cards. I like the size and I think yours would look grate in a box frame. I know they are all to be together for inspiration, but I like the idea of some of these on a wall they're such lovely work :)

  3. Well you certainly got off to a flying start Claudia! Your cards are fabulous, I have to keep going back to look at all the elements again and again. It really is amazing how much you can pack into a playing card - and yours are wonderful. Hugs, Anne xx

  4. Ein wirklich wundervoller Satz - jedes einfach nur toll gestaltet!!!
    Ich wünsche dir noch ein schönes Wochenende, liebe Grüße, Dagmar

  5. These have turned out beautifully, I've just got to play along. Watch this space you have inspired me to join in and play along, now to find a pack of cards.
    Amanda x

  6. Echt cool und so erfrischend anders. Ich steh ja voll auf den Lagen Look. Sehr neutrale Töne und trotzdem sieht jede Karte anders aus. Richtig klasse!! (:o)

  7. What a cool concept, and I do love yours! I always struggle with mojo from time to sounds like fun! Sam xx

  8. Love how you've made the project work for you and your smaller cards, Claudia. All four are stunning.

  9. So wonderful cards ,I love the colours!!!

  10. Hi Claudia, so much details packed into those little cards. Love them.
    Avril xx

  11. Gorgeous, gorgeous cards with fabulous textures, designs and depth of colours, so wish I had time to join you xx

  12. Absolutely brilliant Claudia, I LOVE your first set! Great adaptions to Stephanie's original! You are so lucky actually owning that chicken wire stamp!! Aren't they just so much fun to do? Maybe after we have finished our sets we can make some more and swap some??

  13. Looks like I'll have to wait a third year before ever doing this course... signed up last year, but no time then or this year either... Choices to make soon.

    Fabulous start to the project - these are brilliant.
    Alison xx

  14. Die sehen super aus. Jetzt bin ich auch angesteckt. Hatte ja schon mal mit den Altered Playing Cards angefangen, aber nun werde ich mir ein 52 Kartendeck besorgen und los gehts.

  15. Really enjoyed looking at all the pictures and your encouraging words. Thankyou and .y God bless you 🙏

  16. Thank you so much for the inspiration, I love the story behind these. ❤️


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