
Sunday 23 February 2014

52 Card Pickup - Session 2

As my desk was already a total mess yesterday afternoon (after I had done the first four cards for the 52 Card Pick Up) I decided to do the next four cards as well.





Again I had a wonderful time playing with chit chat and letter stickers and a lot of distress products. I especially like the shading around silhouettes as it gives a lot of depth to the design. 

I love especially the quote on the second card of this set as it speaks of an important truth which we often forget about.

I enter this set of cards to Inspiration Emporiums February Challenge "Show It With Words!".

Have a lovely Sunday! 
Happy crafting,

Claudia x


  1. This second set is just as cool as the first!! Love the stenciled black text and your wonderful vintage gentleman! Great depth to each of your cards, LOVE them!! Sadly I'm away from home so can't do any for over a week, too bad as you have just inspired me all over again!!

  2. Another four stunning cards Claudia along with some very inspirational sentiments. Hugs, Anne x

  3. These are all beautiful Claudia. Really like the photo one and the never give up x

  4. fabehaft! WOW! die sind alle wunderwunderschön Claudia... außergewöhnlich genial gemacht! da passt alles!!!
    Ich glaub ich mag auch das mit dem alten Foto am meisten..das ist extrem beeindruckend schön!
    Liebe Grüße nach Wien .. hoffe es geht Dir gut..
    muss aber, wenn Du solche Genialitäten werkeln kannst!

  5. ...WOW...I've scrolled up and down so many times Claudia, great work, great colours, I love each and every one...:)xx

  6. Been having a catch up session on your recent posts I missed. Wow, you are going to have an amazing set of cards, they all look stunning.
    Yvonne x

  7. Prima Idee, sehr kreativ umgesetzt und psst Claudia ''Ein Genie übersieht das Chaos'' ;-)
    Kerstin F.

  8. those are really outstanding.EE

  9. These are incredible Claudia!! Achtung!!! I love all four. Your mixed media methods make each unique and with a unique sense of presence. The second card's sentiment is just incredible :) Great way to document your life. Hugs -- Mary Elizabeth

  10. these are fab! great textures x trace x

  11. Absolutely gorgeous !!! LOVE it!

  12. FAntastic set Claudia! mixed media is your style! you are an artist!!!! BArbarayaya

  13. A fantastic follow up to your first cards, mixed media heaven
    Amanda x

  14. Beautiful work Claudia, I just love all the designs and quotes, gotta find me some time, these are so inspiring xxx

  15. Thanks so much for joining our Inspiration Emporium February Show It With Words Challenge!

    Oh my what inspiration your creations are...I LOVE all these sentiments!

    ♥ Sue Kment

  16. Your cards are absolutely beautiful!!!!


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