Sunday, 8 June 2014

That Craft Place Challenge - "Men"

Servus and welcome to my crafty corner! 

Today a new challenge starts over at That Craft Place Challenge Blog and as it is Fathers Day in the U.K. the theme is "Men".

I made a wall hanging - using the awesome Ditzie Designs Clearly Background gears stamp to create a background to display the Ditzie Designs Wood Stars on.

The stars were covered with clear rock candy Distress Crackle and painted with Distress paints afterwards. The background was stamped and heat embossed - using Stampendous' Fran-tage "aged aqua" embossing enamel.

 The colours added were various tones of Distress stains and some spritzes of water to create a more grunge look. I love the bulky-ness of the wood embellies! I already used some of Lisa's range with this, this and this project!

 Materials used (and all available with Lisa's That Craft Place Store):

- Distress stains
- Distress paints
- Ditzie Designs Wood Embellishments stars
- Ditzie Designs Clearly Background stamp "gears"
- black jet archival ink
- Distress clear rock candy crackle paint
- black soot Distress ink

If you hop over to That Craft Place Challenge Blog you will find a lot of awesome inspiration for Fathers Day makes from the rest of the team! Check it out!

To go shopping visit either the Shop, the facebook shopping group or have some natter and chatter with the team, who will be glad to answer all your crafty questions.
See you over there!

Hugs and happy crafting,
Claudia xx


  1. einfach nur wundervoll Claudia! Ein absolutes Prachtstück hast Du da mal wieder kreiert!
    Die Farben sind so toll und all die Texturen!
    Ein Vatertagstraum!

    unsere Tochter hat mal wieder den obligaten Gutschein heute ausgegeben für Papa, die Gutscheine verfallen leider zumeist schon vor dem Geschenksdatum..... lol!
    Aber ich hab zumindest auch was gewerkelt zum Vatertag für Frilly und Funky ... ich glaube am kommenden Donnerstag wird es dort gezeigt...
    freu mich schon!
    So .. und jetzt werd ich neben dem Sonntagsessen kochen auch noch einen Besuch bei
    That CraftPlace Limited machen!
    Machst mich ganz neugierig!


  2. Brilliant Claudia, love your background with those crackled stars. Your Dad will love it.
    Amanda x

  3. Wonderful Claudia,you do perfect that grunge look so well,love it!


  4. Hi Claudia, Love the background on this hanging, and such wonderful sentiments.
    Avril xx

  5. Fabulous! Love the background and the crackle on the stars looks wonderful!

  6. Hi Claudia, loving this the stars really stand out well against the greyish/greenish lol! you know what i mean! background.
    Happy crafting, Angela x

  7. Amazing work Claudia! this card is prefect for this day! Especially I love your background! BArbarayaya

  8. Total schöne Optik, dieser HG sieht interessant aus und mit den Sternen hats schon so einen leicht weihnachtlichen Touch.
    LG Sabine

  9. Love the embossing on the background and those stars are so cool!
    Alison xx


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