Friday, 21 November 2014

Woodland Magic

I recently stumbled over the lovely X-cut Build-a-Scene dies from docrafts and the "Woodland" set instantly won my heart. They have various lovely scenes to build, but as I am a dedicated lover of the forest AND of toy theatres (and shadowboxes in general), I just had to have this one.

The fox is already one of the five dies of this set, but I wanted to have an owl too - so I made one myself. Oh, I can imagine various animals in this enchanted woodland! But for a start I decided to stick to the fox and just add the owl and put the main focus on drawing on the die cut shapes to create an illustration kind of look.

The owl was fussy cut freehand and then painted with acrylics, a white sharpie and a black Faber Castell PITT artist pen (as was the whole forest).

My fox was done the same way and then glued to the layer I wanted him on.

This morning (after I had taken pictures of this project in dizzy light) the sun came out for some minutes and I shot an image of my woodland scenery in full sunlight...which makes the layers and shades pop!

What I love with shadow boxes or little stages of toy theatres is that they reveal more detail when being looked at from various angles:

This creates a special depth that draws you right into this enchanted realm on its own, doesn't it?

I had a wonderful time drawing the bark and the leaves and layering my finished stages to create this tiny piece of woodland. I haven't drawn for ages and this reminded me to start drawing again. Well, we'll see.... :)

I hope you like this piece. This dies set is such a lovely design! Especially this scene stole my heart right away!  Can't wait to do a variation of it! ;)

Hugs and happy crafting,
Claudia xxx

I enter this project to the following challenge/s:

The Artistic Stamper - Christmas is Coming
(the "Joy" and "Happy Holidays" quotes are stamped)

Craft Room Challenge - Anything 3D 
(which is the perfect challenge theme for a shadow box lover like I am. Thank you! ;)

Dies R Us Challenge Blog - Anything Goes - Christmas

Moo Mania & More - Trees
(their challenges are open to other formats than Moos as well....yay! Thanks for the information, Susie ;)


  1. das ist eine zauberhafte Stanze und das kleine Schattenthearter was Du daraus erschaffen hast ist wunderschön! Viel Spaß beim Zeichnen.... ich will es auch mehr forcieren, aber ich matsche irgendwie lieber mit den Farben als mich mit dem Bleistift oder Buntstiften zu üben....
    Hab ein tolle Wochenende Claudia... bei uns war auch grade mal um die Mittagszeit ein wenig SOnne.. jetzt ist sie wschon wieder verschwunden!
    Ps: Linkst Du das hübsche Werk auch zu
    würde uns das riesig freuen!

  2. Greetings! I love your work and this is no exception. Your woodland scene is absolutely gorgeous. Thank you for your inspiring share.

  3. Wow, Claudia, was für ein geniales Werk. Da hattest Du eine Menge Spaß dran, dann kann ich sehen.

    Vielen Dank für's Mitmachen bei MOO-MANIA & MORE

    Ich wünsche Dir ein schönes Wochenende

  4. Super, das wäre auch eine optimale Kinderbuchillustration und die Licht- und Schattenreflexe erzeugen definitiv viel Spannung. Man sieht, das du mit Spaß und Freude bei der Sache warst und bestimmt ein paar schöne Erinnerungen dabei hattest. Schönes WE, LG Kerstin xx

  5. Eine tolle Karte!!!! Der 3D-Effekt ist klasse und verleiht der Karte richtig Leben und Tiefe!!!!


  6. It is amazing and so unlike anything else!

  7. This looks great. The sun light just makes it look magical.

  8. What a great card! LOVE all the dimension and the fabulous POP of color in the animals! HUGS! :) Mynn xx

  9. Claudia, this is adorable! The dimension is incredible!
    The scene instantly brought me back to when I was a child and my parents took me to see a play- Peter and The Wolf- yes, I know this is a fox, but it tweaked a memory and I thank you for that! hugsxo

  10. WOW this is just awesome! Thanks so much for playing in our ‘CHRISTMAS’ challenge at Dies R Us! Please come back again soon!

    Darlene (DRU Blog Leader)

  11. Wow, something different...and I like it a lot, dear Claudia! I already know that I will spend some time here at your blog, again!

  12. Wonderful trees and cute fox. Love this.

  13. Oh I love this! I am the PR for docrafts and was sent your link.


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