Tuesday, 1 December 2015

SanDee&amelie's Steampunk Winter Special Challenge - Part Two

Servus and welcome to my little creative spot!

By now I am sure you are all in full advent season swing and enjoying ginger bread, eggnog, hot toddy, punch, glogg or some of the other tasty seasonal delectabilities...

...so maybe steampunk crafts might not be on your radars, but I have tried to combine Christmas card making and steampunk or industrial influences to maybe lure you a tiny bit into creating a little something for our special winter challenge over at SanDee&amelie's Steampunk Challenges!

There is still the whole of December to give it a go and by doing so get eligible for one of two prizes...

My creation for our "Anything Goes - Steampunk/Industrial" challenge is as technical as it is "bling-ish". lol

I have used foam board as the substrate to work on as it takes stencilling really well and has a more "massive" look to it than paper or card.

And I just had to use my newly bought DecoArt Americana "Short Circuit" stencil (of course)!

To create the background for the circuit I first painted my cut to size piece of foam board with DecoArt media black Gesso. Then I applied Vaseline in some spots with my fingertip and painted some DecoArt Elegant Emerald Metallic Lustre on top. The spots with the Vaseline didn't take on any of the Metallic Lustre so I could wipe off any excess from these spots with a soft, damp cloth to reveal the black paint underneath.

Next I sprayed on some spritzes of DecoArt media Turquoise Shimmer Mister. After that had dried I stencilled on the circuit using DecoArt media black Modelling paste and let dry naturally.

To highlight the circuit I applied some "Copper Kettle" Metallic Lustre using a flat and rather rigid piece of cut'n dry foam.  And to finish off my piece before glueing on the stamped label and metal star I sprinkled on some more turquoise Shimmer Mister as well as diluted DecoArt media Metallic Gold, Charcoal Grey and Carbon Black paint with a thin fine tip brush.

I hope to see you over at our challenge blog! Maybe I will get to see some awesome steampunk or industrial Christmas tree ornaments or cards! ;))

The challenge is open until the end of December! To get there just click on the image:


Hugs and happy crafting,


  1. Love it!! You have inspired me to break out my stencil and play.....thank you!!

  2. oh, that is cool!!! I need that stencil! =)

  3. Oh dearie! I need that stencil! This is marvelous and so delicious! Loves that you used foam board, very nice dimension! Awesome sauce ideas and design! Hugz!

    BTW-what is glogg? Never heard of this! :)

  4. Wow! That's very beautiful. I love it. Thanks for sharing!

  5. I really like that stencil. It looks like fun. If I can get organized, I will try to enter this challenge. I have an idea for it.

  6. rustikal und kreativ - einfach wunderschön!

  7. That pipes stencil makes an amazing background! Who would have thought pipes for Christmas, but it works so well! The greens certainly make me think of the season, and its just so grungy and cool! Merry Christmas!


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