Wednesday, 24 August 2016

WOYWW - and "I'm back!" - Post

 Servus, howdy, hi there and hello!!!

It's What's On Your Workdesk Wednesday No. 377 today and I thought this was a nice opportunity to let you all know that I am back from hols, struggling with a nasty flu but still feeling quite relaxed and easy-going.

So this is what's on my workdesk today - yummy stuff that I have acquired during my five weeks holiday that kept me away from my studio desk and the internet (most of the time) - but obviously not all the time and especially not from the online

I have only managed to unpack my bags after our return last weekend and put the stuff on the desk so far - but not to store anything away as (I'm afraid) I will have to do a studio clean up first *rollingeyes

But I couldn't say "no" to the fab new Carabelle Studio and Viva Decor stamps...or to the Marabu Graphix pens. And we all know that affordable good brushes can never be left behind when being found in a store, right? The Viva Rusty Patina needs to be tried out too! And I found a lovely little paper pad with awesome steampunk backgrounds to add to my stash and hoard for the next millenium or so! Yay!

The cool Calico Craft Parts for my next DT pieces will remain being spread on my desk so I can gather loads of inspiration and ideas by looking at them whenever I am in my studio. I go through this process with almost all of my projects that are assemblage pieces or that incorporate laser cut pieces and other alterable stuff: I usually have them on display and ready so I can arrange and re-arrange them whenever an idea hits my mind and needs to be tried out before I finally decide how to combine and showcase them best.

At the moment I struggle to decide on what to start with - some Halloween project? Or rather use my new steampunk rubber stamps? Well, well...if I only didn't have to clean up my studio!

Have a lovely workdesk wednesday, dear friends! XXX


  1. Hi, welcome back :-) ich bin für Halloween, denn mit der fantastischen Gruselei kann man nie früh genug anfangen, because there is a little witch in all of us, or ;-)Hugs xx

  2. Supercool supplies! I've only just got back from hols myself, but was gone only for a week! Five weeks sounds like eternity! I've followed your link to your 'take-away journal' - I love it! Looks like my kind of thing! Have a happy week! zsuzsa #21

  3. Your stamps are really cool, so grunge and hip! Can't wait to see your creations.
    Chris #26

  4. It's great that you were able to get those supplies! Your upcoming projects will be a lot of fun.
    Suzanne #38

  5. Hi Claudia, nice to see you back with us. Look forward to seeing what you make. Have a great woyww and happy crafting, Angela x 16

  6. I hope you're feeling better. My husband doesn't unpack until he gets ready for the next trip - or we have company? Glad you were able to unpack sooner than he does. LOL
    April #39

  7. Welcome back, and with such lovely goodies! Like you my new stuff is just dumped on the floor (my desk) awaiting action.. lol. Helen #1

  8. na, das werden aber tolle halloween- zeiten, liebe claudia! spitze material!

  9. Happy Belated WOYWW. Some fabulous new stash there. The Rusty Patina really caught my eye. Ali x #12

  10. I hope you feel better soon!!! <3

  11. Yes cleaning up is in the air... But inspiration too!

  12. Hope you're feeling a bit better by now - I don't think you should consider a clean up until you are 100% at least! I'm with you on not leaving good price brushes at the store - they really are one of the things that you can never have too many of! I wouldn't know what to use it for, but do love the skulls stamp - no doubt you will produce some fantastic stuff - don't forget to share!


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