Sunday, 12 April 2020

Happy Easter!

Things to do to stay positive these days:

Keep your brain and hands busy!
Keep crafting!
Keep doing things you love!
Try out something new!
Revive a theme or technique you haven't done for ages!
Journal your heart (with all its hopes and fears) out!
Embrace silence and deceleration!
Make a list of all the little things that make you happy!
Practice family cuddling!
Play and dance to some of your long forgotten CDs!
Re-read a book you loved as a child!
Declutter those "special" bad feng-shui drawers!

Do little things that make you feel proud of yourself
and happy!
Rest when you feel you need to!

Love and feel loved!

Stay safe! 

Happy Easter!



  1. Thanks for your sweet words..a Happy Easter to you too..stay safe!


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