Tuesday, 1 September 2020

Numeric Goddess - Revisited - for SanDee&amelie's Steampunk Challenges

Hi, servus and welcome back to a new challenge over at SanDee&amelie's Steampunk Challenges.

As usual we had our annual two-months long summer special challenge so everyone could enjoy their summer outdoor activities and still squeeze in some steampunk crafting, but now we are back to our monthly schedule, two prizes are once more waiting to be given away and the team has once more come up with some amazing projects for your inspiration.

I obviously needed that total break from crafting (in order to get back to a healthier daily routine) - so I haven't done any crafting during the last month (all projects and posts for August having been prepared and scheduled) - but instead of sharing no project at all, I have decided to present a steampunk project that I did for Calico Craft Parts two years ago and that you might not know yet.

My "Numeric Goddess" looks quite large in this picture, but actually it is a tiny assemblage piece.
If you want to learn about the craft parts and products I've used (and the how-to as well), simply visit the old blog post on the Calico Craft Parts blog HERE.

It's always amazing by how much mixed media you can "throw" on the smallest surface! A bit of crackle here, ...

...some wire wrapping there,...

...an improvised stand in steampunk style...

...and some found objects from my little treasure box on my desk 

et voilá! 

The number 7 is my lucky number, and my frozen charlotte was missing a head....this way the idea for this piece was born. Sometimes I just need to look at a random collection of bits and bobs on my desk (or in my little treasures box) and it sparks an idea for a project.

I hope you like her! Maybe one day she gets free to fly again...

The team and I would love to see you play along with us over at our steampunk challenge blog! Simply click HERE to get there and check out their fabulous makes! As always we have an "Anything Goes - Steampunk/Industrial" theme - so you are free to create away and enjoy what you love most. Please, make sure you've checked out our few rules though. These can be found right below our blog header in the "Da Rules" section. ;)

Hugs and happy crafting!

1 comment:

  1. Cool assemblage Claudia, and I love the name and how you included your favorite number! Take care of yourself, and hope you are feeling better. Hugs, Maura


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