Friday, 14 September 2012

Birthday Parties and Weddings

I admit it at the very beginning: I do NOT enjoy making cards for official events like Weddings! It seems like a curse: I try to get right angles and exakt measurements, but there is always some lacking when I am done! A last minute stamped fingerprint on the back, which I noticed too late or oblique angles, where there should be right ones...

But things like these have to be done and I am of course too proud (and too lazy) to go and buy cards, so - from time to time - birthday cards & co keep me busy and slightly annoied.

But creating the envelopes for my son's birthday party was fun! He turned 9 this september and had invited his three best friends over for a "mens' evening" (which in truth lasted from 3 pm to 6 pm *lol). But I was gently asked out for this afternoon, as no women were allowed present during this event. (So I selflessly "suffered" with my best friend in her garden at her swimming pool, having drinks and no shouting kids around. Poor me!)

The envelopes contained little goodies for the guests, as there were cool removable tattoo's, monster buttons, skull lollies, marbles and spiderman rubbers.

The wax seals were highly appreciated, I was told!

The card for the wedding offered resistance as usual. I had to cut the inlay twice (just to discover, I had made it right angled the second time but too small again *hmpf) and I halfway tore the stamp with the iron fence image when peeling it off from its' sheet for the first time. *grmpf

But the result can be shown and this is as good as it can get.

What I really love to show you is my new "Handmade"-stamp, which is - I think - originally meant for selfmade marmalades, jams, juices and other home-made nourishment. *g

Love this stamp so much!

die amelie xx


  1. boah ! wunderbar alles !Edelst die Hochzeitskarte!

    die Totenköpfe mit dem Siegel..sind genial!

    1. Oh, das ist aber ein lieber Besuch, Susi!

      Freut mich, dass du vorbeischaust! Und danke für das feine Lob!

      Claudia xxx

  2. Claudia invitations for boys party....wunderschön!!! :) I also like wedding card, but you know me...skulss and grungy look is more me!

    1. I prefer the skulls and boy's stuff too, Ana! ;)

      Thank you for your lovely visit here!!!!
      Have a fine weekend!!!

      Claudia xxx

  3. Boah, was für eine Arbeit und dann so tolle Ergebnisse, superklasse.

    1. Lieb von dir, Margot!

      Freut mich, dass es dir so gefällt!

      Busserl aus Wien,

  4. Gorgeous invitations and envelopes!

    Greetings from Canada!

    1. Thank you so much, Yvonne!

      Greetings to Canada from old Vienna!

      die amelie x

  5. How cool! I know the envelopes and goodies were really appreciated. You did an outstanding job on them and the calligraphy is so beautiful. I love the hinges and locks. Great extra special touch.

    1. Thank you very much, Faye,

      for stopping by and for the lovely laud!!!

      die amelie x

  6. Your party favour bags are fantastic - I love the front, perfect stamping and distressing, and the skull and seal are such fun on the reverse. And your wedding one is just amazing - as the TH stamp has it "Embrace Imperfection" because (a) to my eye there are no faults - it's only your own self-criticism, and (b) it's the imperfections which make handmade work so personal and unique... too much perfection becomes bland - and this is far from bland, it's absolutely wonderful!
    Alison x

    1. You are absolutely right, Alison,

      about self-criticism and imperfection too! Thank you so very much for your lovely visit and your kind words!!!

      die amelie xx


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