Friday 7 September 2012

Time to show.... one of my very first (and still most important) projects, where I used stamps, inks to distress and other typically scrapbooky materials. As it is leading a kind of shadowy existence, hidden on my "About me"-page here, I thought it was time to let a little light shine on it, so you can see a bit better...

I admit, I bought my very first scrap booking or stamping materials like distress inks, blending tool, stamps a.o. to do this very project, as it shows a moment which is very precious to me.

The fairy, who touches the boars heart like no one else dares or is able (or even allowed) to, stands for my writer-me (as I sometimes write poems too). The boar stands for a writer, I came to know via the internet, and although we are so different in so many ways, we are soul mates in a very special way of thinking and feeling about poetry and writing or expressing feelings in general. And we recognized each other in an instant - deeply and whole-heartedly.

So we found each other in the internet jungle and in writing we created our own deep and rich forest, which is full of laughter, joy, passion, even sometimes anger (which can be a very powerful source for creativity), small creatures beneath the fallen autumn leaves, we can hear crawling below our feet, and beauty - to be found even in the most rotten branch.We became each other's source of inspiration, fellow writer and critic companion.

This deeply felt friendship and relation and the ability to touch the other's heart deep inside, is, what I tried to express in this three-dimensional collage. The boar and the fairy are self-drawn images, the stamps are from the lovely Pictorial Webster's Stamp Set, inks used are "vintage photo", "broken china" and "rusty hinge". Grass stamps in the background are from Artemio and the script stamp I created the bark of the birches with, I admit, I cannot recall... the letter stamp set is from Hero Arts. 

To get the depth I desired, I attached the birch trees with sticky-foam-pads in two different levels and glued boar and fairy between these layers. The bark texture of the birches, which I cut quite randomly from a white cardstock, inked with distress inks from Ranger, was stamped with a small script stamp afterwards, which I inked only partially, to let the text fade in and out. 

Well - now I have shown a very special and personal "me" to you. The picture shows how I feel about and how I see life and nature surrounding us, wherever we go. How I treasure important people around me and heart-touching encounters.
This picture is a piece of me in a way. So I really hope, you like it.


die amelie (which btw. has been my writing pseudo for over six years now)


  1. I think that is wonderful, and I'm so happy you found someone who can connect with you on such a wonderous level!

    I think this is a beautiful project, not just because of the art, but because of the meaning behind it. And you know how I love Vintage, hehe.

    Thanks for stopping by my blog today, I like the bloggy love! :)



    1. Thank you, Kaitlynn!

      Your words mean a lot to me. Especially your appraisal on this project of course. Encounters like the one the image is based upon are rare gifts, which should be treasured.

      die amelie xxxx

  2. Hallo Amelie! Thank you so much for sharing this fully. I had seen it on your About Me page, but it's so wonderful to hear the personal inspiration behind it. What an extraordinarily beautiful post about a deep and meaningful connection, and then with that this wonderful piece of art. So many amazing details - the bark of the trees, the hand-drawn images, the depth and colours and beautiful background... I'm completely entranced!
    Alison x

    1. A big THANK YOU to you, Alison,

      for your oh so lovely words!!!!!

      die amelie xxxx

  3. Very cool! So great you created something so meaningful to you - that is what creating is all about. Love the trees and the way you did the sentiment.

    1. Love your stopping by and leaving this wonderful laud, nwilliams!!!!

      Thank you so much!!!!
      die amelie x

  4. Wie mutig von dir, uns einen Blick in deine Seele und Gefühle zu geben. Wie fantastisch dir das auch noch in einer zweiten Sprache gelingt ist der Hammer. Ich habe ein bisschen Gänsehaut, jetzt wo ich darüber nachdenke. Somit hast du auch meine Seele berührt und das gelingt nun wirklich nicht jedem.
    Ich wünsche dir ein zauberhaftes Wochenende (:o)

    1. Liebe Elly,

      du machst mir mit deinem Kommentar hier eine Riesenfreude. Sei ganz herzlich von mir dafür bedankt!!!! Gänsehaut - wenn ich es schaffe, DAS in jemandem zu erzeugen, bin ich am Ziel. Was kann ich mehr wollen?

      Auch dir ein wundervolles Wochenende und meine allerherzlichsten Grüße aus Wien,

      Claudia - aka die amelie

  5. This is really wunderful... Yes, I really like it! I just keep looking,
    to discover a little bit of your 'world'. It feels a little bit like
    you can jump into it... but I don't want to meet the boar!

    1. This is so kind of you, Henny!

      Love your courage to jump into the forest! You must not be afraid of the boar. He may seem quite intimidating at first, but in fact he is a very kind-hearted fellow you can lean on. ;)

      die amelie xxx

  6. Bei all den atemberaubenden Werken die Du uns beschert hast ist auch dieses meine absolute No #1 Was für ein Werk!

  7. Hi Claudia! I've discovered this fantastic scene through your interview for Craft Stamper, and in addition to the comment I left on the blog I can't resist to see it again closer, and read all the details of your process and your feelings about this. I adore it, it's so full of many things I love... and I adore your self-drawn fairy and boar!!! Also your hand-made trees, they are fabulous. You're a great artist Claudia. Coco xx


Thank you so much for your visit and especially for taking the time to leave me a short comment! This is highly appreciated! xxx