Saturday, 24 November 2012

Lucky Me!

Just have to show you today, what my very dear and wonderful scrap friend Sandra sent me as a surprise candy! I was so overwhelmed when I opened the parcel, that I even teared up a little. Thank you so much, Sandra, for these awesome goodies! They came just in time to rescue me from a state of lost mojo.(As you may have recognised, I already used some of the goodies in my latest project ;)

Incredible, isn't it? A lot of great stuff, as you can see: stencils, metallic rub ons, acrylic colours, distress ink pads, friendly plastic, ribbons, beautiful ephemera (that pile on the right), even some embossing folders and a lot of lovely charms (which I already sorted into the plastic box on the left, feeling like Dagobert Duck playing with his dollars) and so much more!

Pics of her lovely ATCs and a wonderful tag I got from her, will follow, but I haven't managed to do them yet.

You sure can imagine why I feel the luckiest person on earth, when I see and use all these treasures! Sandra, you are a mahatma and I cannot express how your great gift brightens up my very heart and soul. Thank you so much!

Big, big hug,
Claudia xxx


  1. You have a wonderful friend Claudia and I hope you enjoy the lovely gift she sent. A friend always seems to know when inspiration is needed :). Chris x

    1. Yes, I really do have a wonderful friend in her, Chris! :))

      Claudia xx

  2. Lieb von dir, Margot!

    Danke! :))

  3. Hammer! eine ganz LIEBE die Sandra!
    viel Freude damit und ich denke mal DSandra weiss genau, dass die schönen Dinge in genau die Richtigen Händchen kommen!

  4. Boah, Claudia, Du bist ein Glückspilz.

    Ich freue mich mit Dir

    1. Danke, Rosie! Ich werd an all den schönen Sachen noch laaange Zeit viel Freude haben! Ich bin noch immer ganz hin und weg und fühl mich nicht nur der schönen Sachen wegen reich beschenkt.

  5. What a wonderful box full of loveliness... I'm sure it'll kickstart the inspiration - Hurrah for Sandra! Maybe something in the air at the moment; I'm also in a dip (but I blame work eating all my creativity really)...
    Alison x

    1. Hope you will find more time soon, so your creativity will regain full level again (though I rather think, reduced equipment is eating some part of it as well), Alison! "A box full of loveliness" - that's what this is.

      Claudia xx


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