Thursday, 29 November 2012

It's Top Talent Thursday!

Gosh! I am so excited to share this with you today!

The team from Our Creative Corner invited me to being their spotlight on Top Talent Thursday today! Whooeeehh! I am so honoured! Thank you once again, Ladies, for this lovely opportunity!

When you hop over to their lovely site, you will find a post today, showcasing me and my latest project along with the possibility to learn a bit more about me and my approaches to crafting and arts in general in a breaf question and answer session.

When they asked me to do a project for TTT, I first planned to do something X-massy, as I have some lovely papers and stamps lying around, just waiting to be used in some festive X-mas-crafting. I rolled thoughts about an Advent calendar in my mind for days and sat down at my table to do something appropriate... only to find myself about an hour later or so right in the midst of another steampunk project *LOL.

Here it comes:

I made some pictures for you, showing the wooden box in its' original state and during its' process of becoming something more attractive, but accidentally I deleted them during the attempt to sort my image folders. Sorry about that!  :(
So, sadly, you can't see it as it looked like in the beginning... it was a simple untreated wooden box, originally containing painted Easter eggs - and the compartments were just the perfect size for storing my ATCs in!! But for the last months it was just some wooden box for storing my ATCs.... well, you know what I mean ;)
There had to be finally done something about that!!!

First I painted the box with white Gesso all over, then I mixed acrylic colours brown, black and copper and gave the box some strokes with a broad bristled brush. After that I sprayed some areas with Mr. Huey's "passport" and  Adirondack Colour Wash "Stream" for some contrast in colour. I stamped some gear images with acrylic copper paint onto some areas too. The insides of the box compartments were also painted with copper acrylic colour. At last I embossed some of the edges with Frantage aged embossing enamels.

 Letting that dry, I stamped some steampunk images onto tissue paper and tore them to size. ( I prefer tearing to cutting, as the images' edges blend in better and less visibly than cut edges when being mod podged).

After I had glued the images onto the box, using Mod Podge, I browsed through my "treasure chest" with all those lovely embellishments and found these gorgeous Tim Holtz idea-ology box feet, some gears and wooden chipboard keys (which I painted with paint dabbers and embossed with Fran tage embossing enamels), Artemio keyholes and labels, which were just perfect for a worthy finish.

Hope, you like the box and will also enjoy Top Talent Thursday over at Our Creative Corner, featuring MOI this time!!!
Thank you all so much for stopping by again!

die amelie xx

 As usual some close-ups as well:


  1. LOVE this! I think this was a CD tray? I have some of them lying around, as my kids don't use them anymore... or maybe they do, I am ging to confiscate them! LOL TFS, I am sure going to use this idea!! WOEHOE!

    1. Go and confiscate, Ellie! *lol
      That box was a container for painted easter eggs, but CD trays will work as well, I am sure! ;)
      Desperately ooking forward to seeing your altered box then! ;)

      Claudia xx

  2. This is an outstanding piece of altered art thank you for sharing. Vee xx

    1. Thank you so much, Vee,

      for this awesome laud!

      die amelie xx

  3. Stunningly beautiful Claudia! All the layers of various paints, inks and stamped tissue achieve such a fabulous patina. Love all the metal embellies too. I wish I was sitting at it so I could study all the elements up close! Wonderful treasure box. Enjoy your time in the OCC limelight. Nicola x

    1. Thank you very much, Nicola!

      I so enjoyed reading about you, when you were spotlighted! Thanks for the wonderful laud!

      Claudia xx

  4. Awesome! I love your steam punk box ( I cannot do steam punk, lol ) and that's just perfect for showcasing all those wonderful ATC's! Congrats on being in the "spotlight"!! waving hi from the hills of North Carolina :)

    1. Thank you so much, Sandee,

      for your visit and the wonderful laud! :)
      Took me a while to get into steampunk too, but now I really enjoy doing it, even though I am not always sure if it IS steampunk... *lol

      Claudia xx

  5. ein absoluter TRAUM Claudia! WOW ..ich bin hin und weg!

    1. Lieben Dank, Susi,

      für den Besuch und das schöne Lob! :)

  6. wow, ein wundervolles Teil, das ist steampunk und vintage und alles, was ich mag! Fantastisch sind auch die Farben, also alles gemau mein Geschmack.

    LG Sigrid

    Leider habe ich im Moment keine Zeit, aber bald ist Weihnachten, und dann ist bei mir der Stress vorbei.

    1. Liebe Sigrid!

      Ich freu mich riesig über deinen Besuch und das schöne Lob! Ich wünsche dir, dass die Hektik nicht ganz überhand nimmt und du zumindest ein wenig die vorweihnachtliche Zeit auch genießen kannst!

      Claudia xx

  7. A fantastic make over, love all the details and distressing also the great Steampunk style.
    Yvonne x

    1. Thank you very much, Yvonne! :))

      Claudia xx

  8. What an astoundingly beautiful altered box, Claudia - and so wonderful to read some more about your extraordinary creativity over at OCC. The textures, colours and sheer beauty of this have taken my breath away... I'm so proud to call you a friend, and I'm constantly in wonder at the art you create!
    Alison xx

  9. Oh... and thank you so much for your lovely shout out within your questionnaire - you'd be top of my list too!

    1. You're welcome, Alison! :))

      And thank YOU so much for your constant and encouraging laud! So good to have you as a friend! :))

      Claudia xx

  10. Glückwunsch zum Top Talent Thursday, du hast ihn wirklich verdient :) Deine Box samt Inhalt sehen klasse aus.

  11. Hi Claudia, So nice to meet you. I come this way from Our Creative Corner. What a talent you are and I so enjoyed reading your interview. Your creations is outstanding. Just love it.
    Congrats to you on a well deserved feature.
    Have a wonderful weekend. Hugs, Celestina Marie

    1. This is so very kind of you, Celestina!

      Thank you very very much for this wonderful laud and the visit!

      Claudia xx

  12. What a fabulous box - love the steampunk style - it's awesome! Well deserved winner!!

    1. Thank you very much, Alexa!

      So glad you stopped by!

      Claudia xx


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