Sunday, 23 December 2012

I wanna wish you a Merry Christmas!!!

...from the bottom of my heaheaaaheaheaaart! *singing :)

I want to wish all of you, my dear and true (and also the new) followers and scrap-friends I have been making here in wonderful blog-land, a very Merry Christmas with lots of joy, rest and contemplation!

Thank you all so much for your encouraging comments and the constantly provided inspiration throughout this wonderful first half year of blogging as a scrap- and stamp-newbie! I wouldn't have come that far without you!

This time no X-mas card to look at but my nativity set, which is mainly a rural custom in Austria, but a tradition I love very much. Every year I get new figurines as a birthday present from my mother-in-law and so this is a still growing project and one day I will have to build a real stage set as is customary.


Claudia - die amelie xx


  1. A very happy Christmas to you too! Love visiting your blog and see what you've created! What a wonderful nativity set, gorgeous background! Hugs, Sandra

  2. Claudia
    It is so lovely that this is an ever growing scene.
    Sending you Seasons Wishes for a beautiful Christmas and all the very best for the New Year.
    I have so enjoyed visiting your blog and viewing your creations and eagerly await your creativity in 2013. Also many thanks the times you have visited my blog.

  3. Huhu Claudia,
    eine sehr schöne Krippe ist das.

    Ich wünsche Dir und Deinen Lieben auch ein schönes Weihnachtsfest.


  4. I'll bet that you look forward to your birthday just to see what new addition you will have for your nativity set (which is quite beautiful). What a thoughtful tradition your MIL has started.

    The background scenery is just breathtaking!
    Merry Christmas!

  5. Endlich eine Krippe, und so eine schöne, das finde ich so toll, wo einem in diesen Tagen immer und überall nur ein Santa begegnet.
    Dir und Deinen Lieben ein gesegnetes Weihnachtsfest.
    LG Anja

  6. What a beautiful Nativity set! We've always had one, but homemade... I've always loved looking at these amazing sets. Have you seen this one?!?
    Happy Christmas to you and your family... see you on the other side!
    Alison xx

  7. I love the creche and the way you set it all up with the moss. It looks beautiful! Merry Christmas to you too and best wishes for a Happy New Year! waving hi and singing Aud Lang Syne from the hills of North Carolina :)

  8. Wonderful Nativity scene.
    Happy Christmas to you and yours and best wishes for the New Year.
    Yvonne xx
    p.s. Hope you have had a Happy Birthday. xx

  9. Huhu Claudia,
    ich meine, dass Du Geburtstag hast und wollte Dir recht herzlich dazu gratulieren. Meistens stimmt mein Geburtstagskalender.

    Wow, da hast Du ja richtig viel Feierei.
    Viel Spaß dabei

    Liebe Grüße

  10. Ich wünsche dir ein wundervolles Weihnachtsfest im Kreise deiner Lieben und einen gesunden Rutsch ins Neue Jahr.

  11. Ich wünsche dir und deinen Lieben eine schöne Weihnachtszeit.


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