Thursday, 17 July 2014

Don't miss the Summer Special at SASPC!

Servus and welcome to the announcement of today's start of a wonderful Summer Special we have installed for you over at SanDee&amelie's Steampunk Challenges!

Besides our regular challenge we offer a special six-week-long extra challenge with an extra cool prize package to be won!

If you hop over to our challenge blog you will find all details and information (plus a bundle of inspiring creations by the DT) you need to successfully join in our summer steampunk fun and maybe even win the awesome prize!

And don't forget about our regular July challenge "Inventions&Inventors" which is open until the end of July and can be found HERE. If you have visited my blog or the challenge blog two days ago you have already seen the makes of Team B too - if not, HERE's the link for finding out what you have missed so far.

If you have missed my DT project for that challenge, I would love you to take a look at it HERE! Thank you for all the heartwarming and fantastic response and wonderful comments on this make so far! It's really overwhelming and so much needed right now! And I am so happy you like it that much! You are fab! XXX

But now to my inspirational project to get you on track for our Steampunk Summer Bonus Challenge :

I loved the encrusted look of the cogs from Agnieszka's moodboard and I also had a scrap from a background I did with the Wrinkle Free Distress technique that matched the colour scheme shown - so I went for little rust worshipping panel ;)

That key sat on my balcony for months - after I gave it a bath in salt and vinegar for a few days it was left to sun, wind and weather to do their job. And what a job they did! :)

I covered the die cut panel with DecoArt Decou-Page first and after that had dried I gave it a coat of DecoArt media clear "Crackle Glaze" varying the thickness from really thin to rather heavy to create cracks of different sizes with different areas.

I rubbed in some carbon black DecoArt media Antiquing Creme and wiped off the excess with a baby wipe. That made the cracks a lot more visible and one of the main focuses of my make.

The gears were painted with DecoArt Traditions "Burnt Umber" and while the paint was still wet I sprinkled some embossing powders onto it. I chose embossing powders that do not melt to a glossy sheen to achieve an even more encrusted look.

The key was fixed to the panel with two pieces of wire, which are closed on the back of the panel.

Good luck, enjoy, have fun with our Bonus Challenge event and a happy holiday and crafting time,

Claudia x


  1. Claudia, this rust and crackle is sensational! I really admire your take on this genre and you are definitely tempting me to give it a try! I am so impressed with how the elements created such beauty on that salt and vinegar! Wow! I have embarked on a complex project in another genre, but if I have time you have so inspired me I would really love to try Steam Punk! I'm off to wander through the charity shops and markets in search of suitable iron ware! Julie Ann xxx

  2. ein fabelhafter Rusty Look ist entstanden, großartig!! der Geheimtipp muss unbedingt schnellstens ausprobiert werden, Dankeschön u. LG Kerstin xxx

  3. Brilliant crackle and love the central feature of the key! There is jut nothing quite like real rust, specially when helped along with some salt and vinegar, brilliant!!

  4. This is sooo awesome, omg, the texture is amazing and I so love the colours! What a wonderful make, Claudia!

  5. Amazing! Love the crackle and the key is just stunning
    Such a lovely projects, full of colour and textures

    Jools x

  6. This project is fantastic.You sure achieved the encrusted look so well.The crackle is heavenly and the rust,wow!

  7. Eine fabelhafte Arbeit idt das wieder Claudia und eine geniale Idee habt Ihr da umgesetzt für ein Summer Special!

  8. This is BRILLIANT!!! I love the crackle and the rust on the key is perfect. Karen.x

  9. You are the only artist that creates with brown and I end up loving your creations, the only one Claudia. This is absolutely stunning, the lemon and the orange on top of the brown - I love this! Karen xx

  10. Gorgeous project! Once again you have done a wonderful job...the crackle looks fantastic!!!

  11. Your panel is beautiful Claudia and the rusting on that key is just incredible. Anne xx

  12. What is there to be said Claudia, it's just gorgeous.
    The effects are stunning.
    Happy crafting, Angela x

  13. wow... is absolutely fantastic!!! I am delighted with the tag :]

  14. Wieder total genial liebe Claudis, dieser pelzige Rost auf dem Schlüssel und die klasse Krakelierungen im Hg gefallen mir besonders gut. Ein echtes Sahnestückchen wieder. Ich liebe deinen Stil!
    Hab einen schönen kreativen Sommer.
    Alles Liebe

  15. Hallo liebe Claudia, entschuldige, dass ich so lange nichts mehr geschrieben habe, irgendwie war einfach zu viel los...
    Dein Teilchen ist ja wieder total toll! Raffieniert, den Schlüssel mit Salz und Essig zu rosten.
    Ich musste übrigens sehr über den Kommentar deines Mannes lachen :D
    Liebe Grüße

  16. Sensational rust and crackle - jaw-droppingly fabulous work, and totally gorgeous too.
    Alison xx

  17. Fantastic job with the key - yummy - Delightful panel.
    I wish you a great holiday. Hugs


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