Tuesday, 15 July 2014

A "Stand Alone Tray Canvas" Invention

Servus, dear crafting visitors, readers and followers old and anew!

As you may already know the theme for July's challenge over at SanDee&amelie's Steampunk Challenges is


I still am not fully back on track and struggling with trembling hands and ideas only seldomly hitting my mind (and then most of the time not working out)...but after several weeks of procrastinating I finally managed to come up with a project I dare share with you and call an "inspirational piece".

As I simply couldn't manage to focus on a project long enough to make it feel like "the right one" (still being very nervous and hectic most of the time) I decided to get out my stash and browse my collection of designer papers - hoping that this might spark an idea for a project I would find worth creating. It was some sheets from various Tim Holtz paper stashes and a copy of a students booklet about electrical engineering I found at a flea market that finally did the job for me.

I found an old shoe box and used its lid as a "canvas" (as it turned out to fit my copy perfectly). I covered it with that copy (using Mod Podge as a glue) and then gave it a heavy treatment with Distress stains of all sorts.

I held the lid upright during the process so the Distress stains would create traces from running droplets. I also added some DecoArt Carbon black Traditions acrylic paint through a Red Lead numbers stencil  and stamped some stitching onto it.

Box feet and handles (from Agnieszka's fabulous Retro Kraft Shop) were mounted to the lid using tiny brads. Washi tape was added here and there for more detail. I also sprinkled diluted white and burnt umber acrylic paint onto my "canvas" using a soft brush.

Some idea-ology, the lovely Prima light bulb (which I got as a surprise goodie from Agnieszka) and the alpha tiles were glued in place using DecoArt matte Decou-Page - followed by some more clockfaces (also from Retro Kraft Shop) and a brad. A chipboard gear was cut into pieces and given a coat of "Iced Espresso" DecoArt Metallic Lustre before being added to the project.

I applied some of the brand new and fantastic DecoArt media "Crackle Glaze" through a dots stencil from Red Lead with a soft brush and let dry naturally. Then I rubbed in a mix of "Patina Green" and "Carbon Black" DecoArt media Antiquing Creme and took off the excess with a damp cloth to highlight the creases.

I absolutely adore this stuff! It was partially added with some more spots here and there...

The gorgeous wind up tin toy birdie was a fleamarket find and finally found its perfect new home next to one of the fab halogen bulbs from Angieszka's Retro Kraft Shop!

The lovely box feet are from her store too!

Some Prima embellishments and distressed paper edges were added to create a lot of texture and depth.

So "who invented Steampunk" then? Science fiction writer Jeter only invented the name - but it is the works of Jules Verne, Mary Shelley and others who show that huge fascination there is for us all to the relationship of mankind and machines ever since machines were invented and started taking over what was once a human's job.

So Steampunk is kind of an expression for this ongoing search and dialogue between us humans and the machines we invent. I am not surprised that this obiquitous matter has found its way into a whole new art genre! Art is about asking questions, exploring, creating possibilities and imaginative answers. Where does fiction end and reality start? Where is our place in a world full of machines?

Steampunk is so much more than just a fun thing or simply putting gears and cogs onto stuff and canvases! But I definitely had a lot of (pure and simple) fun creating my "Steampunk Stand Alone Tray Canvas" ;)

I highly recommend you hop over to our challenge blog to find out what my teamies have in store for you (a lot of goodness this is) and visit their blogs too for the full injection of mojo! 
I hope you enjoyed your visit and leave my spot inspired (so I can see your fabulous projects entered to our July challenge soon! Yay!)

Hugs and happy crafting,
Claudia xx


  1. I love this Claudia there are so many wonderful things and lush textures to look at and admire. I love the idea of altering a shoe box lid. Hope you are soon back to feeling yourself.
    Amanda x

  2. back in the Craft / artist WWW I have to see such breathtaking work of art - such an oustanding - amazing piece wow!
    You totally rock Claudia!
    xoxo SanDee1899

  3. WOW was für ein geniales Werk,liebe Claudia, bin begeistert.

    LG Marion.

  4. Fabulous piece of grungy steam punk art Claudia, love what you did here. The way you used the various elements and blended them all together, or perhaps I should say, made them work all together, looks fantastic!! Hope you finally will start to feel better soon, this has been going on for far too long!

  5. Oh Claudia,you really are the best at steampunk! I absolutely love this,wish it was on my wall so I could stare at all the little details on it,brilliant piece of art.

    Really sad to hear you are still not 100% Claudia,hopefully you will be back to your very best soon :)

    Donna xx

  6. Your altered cover is just amazing, love it, your texture and all the things that I can explore especially the bird and the good colors are very beautiful.


  7. Wonderful work Claudia, and this is you not running at full speed. One day at a time and things will hopefully get better for you. Nikki xx

  8. What a fabulous post and your piece is spectacular. I'm so glad you included close-ups - there's so many intricate little details that might otherwise be missed. Beautiful work!

  9. This is a fabulous Piece!!!! It looks beautiful!!!! Love the colours and the elements, a shoe box cover? A beautiful show piece!!! Thanks for sharing this with us and hope you will continue to get well!!!

  10. Claudia, to say this is fantastic would be a sorry understatement. It is fabulous. I adore the colour and texture and I think you've summed up Steampunk very well. Glad to see that your mojo has returned with a vengeance!!! Love it! Jean.x

  11. Schnappatmung, ich sehe und staune liebe Claudia. Das ist so ein tolles fantasievoll gestaltetes Bild, so viele Details zu schauen, ein Bilderbuch mit einer Seite, genial. Es ist immer wieder eine freude und Inspiration bei dir rein zu schauen. Ich hoffe mir fällt auch mal wieder was Gescheites Steampunkiges ein. Im Moment experimentiere ich rum, und Haus und Garten und Familie nehmen mich in Anspruch, aber in der kälteren, ruhigen Jahreszeit werde ich wohl wieder mehr Basteln.
    Ganz liebe Grüße

  12. Wow, this is Steampunk at its best, a fantastic project Claudia and the tin bird and lamp are perfect.
    Yvonne x

  13. im Detail gibt es noch so viele tolle Effekte zu entdecken, absolut geniale Farbharmonie, ideenreiche Techniken und insgesamt ein perfektes Zusammenspiel zu einem echten kleinen Kunstwerk!! Super auch die Ausführungen und Erklärungen zum Steampunkstyle. Bin immer noch ;-) schwer beeindruckt!! LG Kerstin xx

  14. Claudia, I love, love, love, and again love this work!I have no other words, all the little details have catched my eyes, my fav is the little Prima light Bulb! BArbarayaya

  15. sagenhaft GENIAL Claudia...

    fantasteristisch.. ach was mir fällt gar nicht genug ein um meiner Begeisterung Ausdruck zu verleihen!
    Knuddelgrüße zu Dir


  16. Claudia, this is superb! It's a total delight, every little detail of it, especially that lovely, little bird: what a find! I love your invention!!! This is indeed the spirit of Steampunk rather than just 'putting gears and cogs' onto stuff! Wonderful inspiration! So far most SP creations have impressed me, but not lured me into the realm - yours is magnificent and I think you might just have tempted me to get into the Steampunk zone! Julie Ann xxx

  17. Very cool, loving those cracks.

  18. Wenn man erst mal anfängt...könnte man zu diesem Deckel echt einen Roman verfassen, aber ich mach's mal kurz: Einfach geil! (:o)

  19. Claudia this is fantastic, who would have thought that a shoe box could look so stunning i love it and that little bird is so cute thank you for sharing this work of art with us all xx

  20. Wow - this is so awesome, girl! Love the metal bird above all! :)

  21. Das ist def. die beste Schuhschachtel ewa! Großartig!

  22. Einfach sagenhaft gut!!!! Sooooo großartig, liebe Claudia! Ich bin ganz verliebt in deine Schachtel <3

  23. Wow, this is what you create when you are not back fully yet?! Holy cow, this project is mind blowing. I love the colors/textures/depth and layers you have created. I had to enlarge each pic and "drink in" the details.....your projects are always exceptional and inspiring.

  24. I came here via Marjie Kempers place and am so pleased I did. I might even enter this challenge that you made this for too. I am mad about steampunk. I love the little bird and the layers of texture you have going here with the odd bit of dimension to spice it up. Great project.

    PS: using a shoebox as a canvas was a piece of genius!

  25. Inspired? I am so inspired I almost don't have time to write this comment! Your work is always a joy, and an adventure to admire and study. Such a way you have with taking very different elements and making them cohesive and beautiful. That bird is just a perfect finishing touch, and I also am blown away by the simplicity of your canvas. A shoe box lid! Brilliant!

  26. WOW this piece is wonderful. I must get some crackle glaze!!!

  27. Marjie Kemper sent me over today, but I have been here often on my own. I have been an admirer (especially) of your steampunk creations for as long as I can remember. But, today's piece (which I thought was a canvas!) is over-the-top downright wonderful! So full of both delightful and interesting texture. But, my favorite element? Surprisingly, it's the "17," my favorite number!

  28. Fabulous! Love all the amazing detail and colours and gorgeous textures!!

    Jools x

  29. Steampunk never looked so good - fabulous job!

  30. was soll ich sagen, Claudia, ich komme aus dem staunen gar nicht mehr heraus. wundervoll !

  31. SO cool! I just love this, especially the bird and light at the top! Maura


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