Tuesday, 24 February 2015

"Meet the Team" - Craft Stamper Magazine Blog Invite


Just a really short note today to invite you over to the Craft Stamper Magazine blog where my humble self is presented today with the "Meet the Team" feature.

So if you want to learn a little more about me and my approach to stamping, just click HERE to get to the blog and post. There are some of my favourite projects to see as well.

And there's still about 36 hours time to join in the actual Take It Make It challenge and win some fab stamps! 

Thanks for stopping by and hugs and happy crafting,
Claudia xxx


  1. Great read, just had a good look at your shoe box lid canvas...brilliant! Hugs Ruth x

  2. Super !! auch hinter die Kulissen beim Craft Stamper Magazin schauen zu können, vielen Dank für die kreativen Einblicke und weiterhin fröhliches und ideenreiches Schaffen wünsche ich Dir! LG Kerstin xx

  3. Das ist wirklich interessant, mehr über Dich und Deine Arbeiten zu lesen liebe Claudia. Deine kreativen, phantasievolle Kunstwerke mag ich sehr und freue mich immer, etwas Neues von Dir zu sehen.

  4. a great post and so much inspiration in those 3 favs you picked to highlight! I love your art Claudia an wish to someday have half of your talent! xoxo


Thank you so much for your visit and especially for taking the time to leave me a short comment! This is highly appreciated! xxx

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