Wednesday, 18 February 2015

VonPappe Wednesday Sneak Peek

Hello, hola and servus!

Just a short post today with a sneak peek - inviting you over to That Craft Place Challenge Blog to find out about my latest tutorial which involves a really quick and super easy way to create some heavily industrial looking Steampunk from the fab stuff Lisa sells at her store!

I hope this close up sneak peek image will do the job and lure you over to That Craft Place Challenges to find out more about the whole project and the how to!

Hugs and happy crafting,


  1. Love this!!! You are such a genius Claudia! I am always on the lookout for good easy rust creating techniques and am so glad you shared this! I need a suitable texture stamp now ;o) Lots of love from Laura xxx

  2. Cripes..yes! Mission accomplished....I'm hooked and running over there now...

  3. This so looks like real rust!! As I have said- you amaze me! Love love love it- who would have thought that the look of rust could be so gorgeous? heehee xo

  4. Bei dem genialen Schild bekommt man erst recht Lust einzutreten, um zu schauen, was sich noch so Kreatives dahinter befindet. Super Teil!! LG Kerstin xx

  5. WOW, Claudia!! This is a completely AWESOME sign--soooo perfect for a teenage son or daughter for that matter!! (I would have had this sign on my door during my teenage years, too!) :) :) The rusting and aging techniques that you're using for this are really cool!! It's hard to believe that this creation was easy, Claudia! Oh, and that resin eye--Creepy!! I think I might actually think twice before opening a door with this sign hanging from it!! LOL :) :) Thank You for sharing your steps on how you created this!! Magnificent!! XOXO-Shari


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