Saturday, 24 October 2015

Male Birthday Card

Just for the records a short share of the birthday card I made yesterday for one of my son's best friends. He turned 14 and has been loving my birthday cards ever since I started making some for him! (how thoughtful and loveable is that!?!)

The tag on this card was done by first dry embossing a tag I had cut from heavy black cardstock, then applying some DecoArt Metallic Lustre "Gold Rush" with a sponge and later scraping on some DecoArt multi-surface Satin "deep turquoise".

The pointing hand and ticket are from one of the fab Tim Holtz ephemera packs and the card all is glued to is from Prima's "Cartographer" ATC pad.

The "Alles Gute" quote was stamped onto a die cut label (Tim Holtz label die and stamp were a gift from my wonderful friend Sandra! (I hope you are a lot better now, Sandra! Thinking of you and sending hugs! xxx)).

Have a lovely weekend!


  1. Beautiful card Claudia
    Have a nice week-end

  2. Eine wirklich kreative, tolle Karte! Echt super gestaltet liebe Claudia!
    Ich wünsche Dir ein tolles, sonniges Herbstwochenende!
    Liebe Grüße nach Wien aus Berlin
    Hugs Gabi

  3. Great looking card and design layout!

  4. A beautiful card, I love that blue! And so lucky you are to have a cards-fan-teenager!

  5. Schöne Männerkarte, sowas Außergewöhnliches bekommt nicht Jeder. Denke dem Empfänger wirds gefallen.
    LG Sabine

  6. Bin schwer begeistert! Coole Männerkarten sind echt das Schwierigste!


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