Sunday, 25 October 2015

52 Card Pickup - Fog-inspired

Finally the time of year has come when living on sixth floor and looking out of our flat's windows feels as if the world outside has simply vanished at times.

I love fog!
Well, not exactly when I have to drive a car, but when walking the dog and finding ourselves being somehow "wrapped up" in a blanket that cannot be touched but that reduces sounds and makes me feel as if the existing world was only just within that small bubble around us that somehow "moves along" as we walk on.

Today I tried to capture this feeling in images and (my own) words.
I hope at least some of the meaning gets through to you. ;)

Have a lovely weekend! xxx

Stamp used: Indigo Blu - "Bare Forest I"
Stencil used: Tim Holtz - Sizzix - "Birch Trees"


  1. I love the cards and the poem! - Irma

  2. Absolutely fantastic Claudia. Love the words. Together with the amazing images, they evoke such feeling. Stellar on all levels! Hugs to you my friend! -- Mary Elizabeth

  3. Der Nebel hat schon was mystisches, geheimnisvolles, manchmal gruselig, aber auch verwunschen schön, wenn die Sonne sich ihren Weg bahnt oder bei frostigen Temperaturen die Eiskristalle glitzern. Eine besondere Naturstimmung, die du mit Worten und Bildern sehr dezent und speziell eingefangen hast. LG Kerstin

  4. I agree with you about fog. Don't like driving in it but it sure is fun when you are looking out the window of walking the pooches. Your words captured the feeling perfectly! These cards are eerily beautiful and I love the layers! Wowzers! Hugz to you muffin! ~Niki

  5. These are fantastic, and a great idea! I love fog too! You've captured fog both in the artwork and the accompanying words.

  6. Claudia, I adore this collection.
    The images and your words, a beautiful poetic combination.

  7. Brrrr, it's cold !!!!!!!!!

  8. Ooooh! I love fog , too! I am waiting patiently for some good fog to take photos of my yard Halloween display, but it's just not happening yet!

    Loves these ATC's! Great background for some great prose! Thank you for giving me the heads up about my entry into OCC and S&ASP! I don't know what happened,but I was having trouble linking with every challenge after linking up to DecoArt. Must be the spirits! Ha! Ha! Ha! (I re-entered!)

    1. Liebe Claudia diese Werke in Schwarzweiß sind wunderschön uns mit den Texten sehr berührend. Sie vermitteln sehr gut die Stimmung bei Nebel,wenn Farben verschwinden und Geräusche gedämpft werden. Und deine Texte dazu sind so passend und schön formuliert, richtig Poesie,bravo!
      Ganz liebe Grüße

  9. Wow, this is so surreal. I just saw these ATCs on Pinterest yesterday and repinned them because I found them very inspiring. So happy to have found the original creator's blog by happenstance!

  10. So simple and yet so fantastically stunning! Love them!

  11. These are fabulous and love love the quotes! TFS and have a great week :-)

  12. Wieder einmal ganz super!
    Ich entdecke auch immer mehr meine Liebe für den Herbst. Hätte früher nie gedacht, dass mich bunte Blätter im Sonnenlicht einmal so begeistern können.

  13. Very cool. I love the poetry; perfect with the images.

  14. Oh I love this and I do agree fog when you are not driving is really lovely.

  15. Absolutely love these cards and your words are beautiful and speak to me. Thank you for sharing.


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