Wednesday, 22 February 2017

Good Things Come in Small Packages - a Canvas Corp Brands Project

Servus and welcome to my first ever invitation for you to check out my full tutorial on this project over at the really inspiring Canvas Corp Brands "The Creative Studio" blog!

As I am pretty new to all the other fab product lines they offer besides the Tattered Angels Glimmer Mists and other fab spray paints (that were among my very first crafting products I bought when I discovered crafty blogland), I was more than positively surprised by the wonderful and wide range of canvas substrates they offer as well as the 7 Gypsies papers and their newly released "Architextures" that I will have to lay hands on soon.

My first project as a Creative Crew Member for Canvas Corp Brands though is rather simple and quick and paper crafts related as they offer beautiful brown Kraft paper bags in various sizes too. And I love working on Kraft!

So this is the finished project:

And here are some of the Canvas Corp Brands products I used to create my little gift bags:

If you are interested in the full tutorial or even in more inspirational input from the rest of their DT, simply click HERE to get to the CCB Blog.

Hugs and happy crafting!


  1. very unique & gorgeous ! thank you for showing !melba jean

  2. Ein echter Augenschmaus diese klasse gestalteten Tüten. Gefallen mir sehr.
    Liebe Grüße


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