Saturday, 18 February 2017

Who is Having a Creepy Crawly Christmas Too?

I know this may be an odd time to share something Christmas-sy...but in a way after Christmas already is before Christmas, isn't it? So, please, bear with me when I share some awesome handcrafted goodies I got from my wonderful and talented friend Kerstin from Scrapbook Dreams last December.

Once again last year in November I found that I will have to start doing my Christmas crafting much earlier this year - maybe already in September or late August as I am  obviously always late with it and then create crap because of being under timely pressure. And it takes a lot of the fun and joy out of it when feeling under pressure, doesn't it? At least my mojo has the habit of saying "good bye" the closer I get to deadlines.

And then there's my birthday in December too (that I hardly have the time myself to celebrate as it is rather close to Christmas and by then I am always in the final spurt of the last preparations for Christmas Eve)...

But Kerstin obviously started early enough to create the most fantastic Christmas tree ornaments and this fab door hanger as a birthday gift for me!!!

It hangs on my studio door (when needed) and I love the all seeing eye on that coffee cup and the smell of good coffee being represented by the wire!

But the tree ornaments she did really knocked us all (my son, hubby and me) off our feet!

Kerstin knows about my soft spot for beetles (and insects in general) and these two ornaments are just so incredibly insanely fun and charming and made with so much thought, love and labour!!! I love them to bits!!!!

Every time I look at this little joyful fellow ringing the two Christmas bells (and spreading loads of festive steampunk Christmas joy this way) it brings a veeery huge smile on my face. So who needs reindeer and a sleigh anymore! lol

The other guy seems to be a rising star among his crawly fellows! 

The cute little steampunk fox with the pen nib ears seems to be a rather shy dude (which makes him especially charming).

And from last Christmas on in my household there's the "Christmas Egg" for breakfast - simply because Kerstin sent this wonderfully decorated Christmas hat that I am now using as an egg warmer.

Thank you so much, dear Kerstin, for all the beautiful, heartwarming, wonderful gifts you sent me! I feel truly blessed to have you as my friend! They are all treasured and in use and I cannot wait for next Christmas to decorate the tree with your fab ornaments again!!! You're the best and I love you loads! Mwah!



  1. Hach, das macht mich jetzt aber total happy, die Sonne geht auf am frühen Abend! Fein das die Krabbelkäfer den Baum erobert haben, da muss ich direkt darüber nachdenken den Familienkreis zu erweitern :-)und das Schüchternde beim kleinen Fuchs hat wohl von mir abgefärbt ;-)ich werde ja fast rot hier bei so viel Lob!! Lieben Dank, Hugs and Kisses from Kerstin XOXOXOXO

    1. Ich danke DIR von ganzem Herzen, liebe Kerstin! Die Krabbelkerle sind einfach so "du" mit deinem wunderbaren Augenzwinkern. Die machen so herrlich vergnügte Weihnachtsstimmung - das ist einfach unbezahlbar! So wie du!

      Bussi! Claudia xxx


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