Monday, 3 February 2020

Meet the better half....

...of "The Emperor", who has been starring in my latest project for SanDee&amelie's Steampunk Challenges on my blog here two days ago (simply scroll down to the previous post to check him out)

- "The Empress"! 

She is my make for this week's inspirational project post over at the Calico Craft Parts Blog.

So now they're united as a couple it is time to share the how-to and the list of Calico Craft Parts and DecoArt media products and paints I have used to create this empressing duo. ;)

Simply click HERE to get taken to the blog post with the detailed tutorial and loads of pictures.

Have a good start into the week!

1 comment:

  1. I'm so glad they found each other Claudia, the Emperor appears happier now he is with his Empress. Amazing creations, the gold really adds extra class to this delightful couple. Creative Hugs Tracey x


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